We have said many times: Wrong, is self-deception, anyone underestimate opposition to Hugo Chávez. After 12 years in office and 19 in public life (because previously only devoted to conspire in the shadows) it is clear that Hugo Chavez is politically extremely efficient in what is central in that office as the search, capture and maintenance power. That does not mean, of course, that, when comparing the resources it has managed with the results he has achieved "very probably one of the worst presidents that Venezuela has experienced since the third voyage of Columbus to the present.
are not, therefore, his work, his accomplishments, his main instrument for achieve that ultimate goal of true political project of President Chávez. We say the "true" because, at this stage of the game, and it is clear that, for instance, the Constitution is not his "political project", as mentioned more than once. The Bolivarian Constitution has been "interpreted" willfully, ignored, violated and even amendments ... Sorry! amended whenever the need for government policy so determined. The President's political project is not "socialism" because every time you ask what is "their" socialism responds by saying that "we have to invent one", which is "a work in progress" which "or invent or we err ", and any other hardware that will be useful to avoid a precise answer. Faced with such" bla bla ", all the facts are clear, and in light of this the only project that seems to have President Chavez is to stay in power as long as possible, with as few controls as possible and in the absence of works, his main instrument for achieving these objectives is the speech. That, of course, in the case of President Chavez is not little. is a powerful resource, incisive, corrosive to the opponent and seductive to his followers.
Or at least that was until now. Because ... What happens when this powerful tool is returned as a boomerang? Take an example: Today President citizen walks up and down, trying to convince even the stones of the need to consolidate, revive and re-foo to the deceased called the Patriotic Pole. " But one wonders: And because the Patriotic Pole is deceased? Who killed him? The answer is one: Chavez himself! The image above is the citizen's President the night of 15 December 2006 at the Teatro Teresa Carreño, in the act of recognition of the "Commando Miranda, as it was called the team party that led to victory in presidential elections that had taken place a few days before (yes, of course, we know that corruption is an act of using goods, property and state television to broadcast a partisan act, but that is not the subject of this article. ..). In so doing the Chavez speech was devastating, explaining why "not seeped" more "strange alliances" as the Patriotic Pole, and claiming instead that the preferred structure having a single party government, a new party, announcing that night the creation of the PSUV. In its "allies" did not treat them gently, even with gratitude: "To those who want to continue with their parties, they do, but will not rule me, there will be more in my government. Only govern with the PSUV ". His speech achieved the desired effect then, destroyed the Patriotic Pole. Now go trying to resuscitate him. definitely have it hard supporters of the President: It is very difficult to please those who do not know what you want , albeit that the Venezuelans call "peak gold" ...

But back to the point: President Chavez has so far been a highly skilled political fighter. However, in recent times is evident a change in the use of those skills. Between 1992 and 2007 the political Chavez used his talent and energy to build clear and solid victories wins. But from 2007 to this part all that political capacity has been geared more to either hide or disguise poor performance. Consider: After assembling all that tantrum after defeat in the referendum on constitutional reform in December 2007, returning from Cuba allegedly "more serene" and accepts the results of the elections of mayors and governors in November 2008. In these elections the President's nominees lost in the districts where more than half of the population. The President then used all their political energy and immense theater ability to convince their followers that have lost in the states and municipalities where more than half of Venezuelans "was not a defeat" and that was just Tunapuy important win to do it in Zulia, Carabobo and Miranda. Then went on to take responsibility by means of shysters tricks and abuse of power to states and municipalities where he had lost. Putting the guise of "Bureaucratic victory" to what was actually a defeat at the hands of voters.
Subsequently, following regional elections in November 2008 the President imposed the referendum on the constitutional amendment on February 15, 2009. The opposition was exhausted and without resources, and the country was returning from Christmas day off and getting ready for Carnival. That ambush electoral continuity, a true (that if) "victory of m ..." was then presented by President Chavez as a "resounding victory." Another costume ... The next challenge
elections were parliamentary elections in September 2010. Electoral truculence by the alteration of electoral irregularity allows the well-known: the opposition gets 52% of the votes but only 40% of the seats. Again, the verb presidential power is used to present as "political victory" which is actually an engineering electoral chicanery.

this brings us to 2011, a prelude to the election day when it will be at stake is the personal residence of Chavez in power. The Presidency of the Republic district election is a single (nationwide), so it'll be worth handling circuits. Nor may, as in the case of constitutional reform, then call another query electoral (amendment) to reverse its earlier defeat. Looking to 2012, and leading a demonstrably inefficient government and a party that only works as a mercenary employment agency and electoral machinery, the only real advantage that handles the president (besides the partisan use of financial resources that are not but all PSUV ) is its own political discourse, so far useful to create hope and rounding up opponents. But here we come to the point: discourse and praxis of power before assertive, incisive demolition, is now a "patuque" an unfortunate series of contradictions, an area where the only thing clear is ... the confusion and bewilderment.
Three examples suffice to demonstrate this fact, and range from very precise and specific to the international and global: In the case of official policy to ban smoking in public places was simply the rapid succession of shameful contradictions, approving, removing and then ratifying a standard that was really basic common sense; then, the case of Ruben Gonzalez naked inconsistency of a regime that was able to kidnap for 17 months to a leader union and then, when convicted, to run to take "alternative measures of freedom" ... a sentence that had not even been released! But the most pathetic example of these contradictions and inconsistencies in the speech and the official political action q is happening in international matters: The government has spent millions of dollars worldwide since late last year in lobbying and advertising campaign to try to remove the matrix of opinion that is presented as a "dictatorship" in the country show the questioning and alleged agreements of the Ministry of Interior and Justice with the students on strike of hunger were also efforts in this regard. And behold when in full operation to "wash the face of government" of the charge of being a dictatorship, President Chávez is placed next to Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan dictator, but repudiated the genocidal present. Were lost, then, these real ...
Please anyone think that these critical reflections on the quality, timeliness and relevance of presidential speech have something to do with the class certainly foolish and sometimes even racist to a certain "opposition" really "squalid" in its reasoning, try to discredit Hugo Chavez's speech. expressions as "that speaks golpeao sambo," "looks like a neighborhood thug," "look ridiculous, and you sweat dripped dye" or " balurdo like to use green pants with red sneakers, "among many others, have always seemed the linguistic reflection of some of the reasons that explain why we have today in this city as President.
No work to show, and unable to continue disguising losses apparent victories, and now with a speech chaotic contradictory, inconsistent, used not to fight their traditional adversaries but also to threaten, harass and criminalize people who supported him desdehace 12 years, the prospect of electoral victory of President Chavez looks facing uphill to 2012. Their only hope is that the opposition parties grouped in the Bureau for Democratic Unity are even more awkward than the government. That does not seem likely, but possible is. If you do not believe it, look at the sad spectacle of parties wanting to set the date of the primaries to elect the candidate of the Democratic Alternative not fast that the country needs, but with the lingering slowly than the calculation of some required. The "Table of Unity mounted above the turtle on the front page of Tal Cual in its issue of March 1 says it all. And then you remember that verse of the anthem, which speaks about "the vile selfishness that had triumphed." Fly, then, because what is at stake is the country!
The issue is not "form", the debacle in the ADDRESS IS BACK ...
Please anyone think that these critical reflections on the quality, timeliness and relevance of presidential speech have something to do with the class certainly foolish and sometimes even racist to a certain "opposition" really "squalid" in its reasoning, try to discredit Hugo Chavez's speech. expressions as "that speaks golpeao sambo," "looks like a neighborhood thug," "look ridiculous, and you sweat dripped dye" or " balurdo like to use green pants with red sneakers, "among many others, have always seemed the linguistic reflection of some of the reasons that explain why we have today in this city as President.
The issue is not so, is the background. The point is not that Chavez speak ugly, "gritao" aggressive or corny. The case is against those who do now. The Chavez who once used his verb on to lambast the "rule" or "right", now used to scold the Chavistas Blandin, when you finally claim their inconsistencies. The previously used Chávez corrosive speech against the "bourgeois" now used against workers in struggle. The Chávez before his whip wielded words against the "Punto Fijo" offending is now used for students on hunger strike. In short, Chávez before uttering inflammatory speeches against the "old politicians" and bureaucrats, is now aged and worn expression of a policy that has money but no reason and that for bureaucrats to defend their criticism of the people is able to tell you in a threatening tone to a humble lady, a council spokeswoman Chavez in a crowded community, from the height of military wagon that was moving: "You have to tené carefully, you can not go around saying these things but you try, you have to be very cuidao, see that a revolutionary can not walk around talking shit ". ..
This time, the words of the Head of State were not highlighted by any popular boisterous chorus. No one yelled "Uh! ah! we promised! ". No one said" So, so, so we are threatened! ". Perhaps because the threat now was not a stranger but a humble woman of the neighborhood, Mrs. Rosalba Villamizar, a spokeswoman for Common Council on April 19 Blandin, Carretera Vieja de La Guaira ...
No work to show, and unable to continue disguising losses apparent victories, and now with a speech chaotic contradictory, inconsistent, used not to fight their traditional adversaries but also to threaten, harass and criminalize people who supported him desdehace 12 years, the prospect of electoral victory of President Chavez looks facing uphill to 2012. Their only hope is that the opposition parties grouped in the Bureau for Democratic Unity are even more awkward than the government. That does not seem likely, but possible is. If you do not believe it, look at the sad spectacle of parties wanting to set the date of the primaries to elect the candidate of the Democratic Alternative not fast that the country needs, but with the lingering slowly than the calculation of some required. The "Table of Unity mounted above the turtle on the front page of Tal Cual in its issue of March 1 says it all. And then you remember that verse of the anthem, which speaks about "the vile selfishness that had triumphed." Fly, then, because what is at stake is the country!
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