Friday, March 25, 2011

Creative Title For A Wedding

The pen is the ideal sample for the detection influenza virus early in birds

A study by researchers CReSA has determined that the feather pulp sample is ideal for early detection of cases of HPAI in chickens infected.

past few years, avian influenza is considered a major economic and health problems affecting not only the poultry industry but also public health. That is why early detection of viral infection in birds is crucial to carry out an effective containment of the outbreak. This is especially important in the case of H5 and H7 subtypes of avian influenza virus, which can reach mutate, after successive passages in animals a highly pathogenic virus.

study was conducted in the Unit * Biosafety Level 3 CReSA with chicks two weeks old, experimentally infected with the virus highly pathogenic avian influenza H7N1. In a first phase, blood samples, cloacal and feather pulp of infected chickens. Through this process, we evaluated the elimination of the virus during an active infection. After the death of chickens due to infection, several samples were analyzed to determine the persistence of the virus at different times post-mortem.

The results clearly showed that feather pulp is the best sample to detect and isolate the viral agent from infected chickens in the early stages of infection, in addition to emphasizing the need for quick removal during an outbreak of disease.

* Busquets N, Abad FX, Alba A, Dolz R, Allepuz A, Rivas R, Ramis A, Darji A, Majo N. Highly pathogenic avian Persistence of influenza virus (H7N1) in chickens infected: feather Suitable as a sample for diagnosis. J Gen Virol. 2010 Sep; 91 (Pt 9) :2307-13).


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