Friday, March 25, 2011

Best Place To Go In The Caribbean Anxiety

Argentina: The technology behind the improvements in the field waiting

For many years the Argentine countryside was incorporating different types of technology in order to make efficient the work required for different crops, and reach the goal which means improved yields, lower costs and therefore increased profitability.

tucumanos grain growers are, together with agricultural research institutions such as the Experimental Station Obispo Colombres (EEAOC) and INTA, which pushed the technology of tillage as a tool capable of giving a destabilizing sustainability of grain production, which employed conventional seeding.

Then came the use of biotechnology with the development of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), which again threw up yields.

tucumana Citriculture follows the trend of using the best available technology in fifths, and packaging industries, and reached out to the province as the first global production of high quality lime and industrial products that are required by the different companies in the world food and medicine, which use this production for the manufacture of trademarks recognized.

The sugar industry is going through similar paths in both the factories and in the reeds, in order to make efficient and clean industrial production, improve yields in the grooves with the introduction of new varieties and irrigation systems with a more efficient harvest.

Undoubtedly all this use of technology was accompanied by the use of precision agriculture through satellite systems that provide in situ information needed for various tasks such as planting, crops, plant protection applications other jobs where it is essential the correct information regarding the recommended doses and places where to go.


However, all this incorporation of technology producers brought some headaches, since information obtained from year to year and season after season to be administered and managed properly.

This wealth of data launched a very important process of technological upgrading in the sector, both in the field of culture and in all services related to agriculture.

began to be noticed a great demand for food and foreign investment appeared.

You noticed a strong growth in communications infrastructure and particularly the Internet. A higher tax burden and was felt strongly in the generational change that has to do with management of companies.

In this context, it is necessary to better control from the management of resources because there are investors who would have to account for their different agricultural enterprises.

is also essential to maximize the efficient use of inputs.

Complete and complex schemes

Another passes by the need to interact with technologies that were associated with the machines. We must maintain a corporate vision, to have budget control and investment analysis.

Obviously schemes became more complex and this generated the need for decentralized load information.

Thus, standardization of the presentation of this information is a topic requested by the boards, and technical systems, such as traceability, by producers.

The teams are getting bigger and require standards of presentation and data management.

begin to appear also needs in terms of having defined the "traceability" of a product, they often have to do with the characteristics of the market.

Today in many areas is how to use different mobile devices to load and access to information, to help better manage and transfer data, fast and accurate as possible, the administrative offices of each field or farm.

Today we must talk about "information technology". These tools let you manage, store, retrieve and analyze the large volume information that is generated in the agricultural sector.

The agricultural paradigm has changed in recent years. Today we have to find the most appropriate since this type of technology that, after all, producers or agricultural enterprises helps them to make the right decisions for the future of agriculture.


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