Alfredo Acedo
Monsanto has become the fall in international reserves of corn and the disaster caused by cold cereal crops in northern Iraq in their best argument to expedite the imposition of the commercial planting of transgenic maize in Mexico, presenting his modified seeds as the solution to the shortage and soaring prices of the grass.
and goes there: at a press conference, the chairman of the MNC in Latin America, José Manuel Maduro, dares to state that "... Mexico's decision not to advance it [GM] has led to import 10 million tonnes of maize and therefore urges a decision. "Monsanto attempts to scare the dead man's backpack.
Monsanto's cynicism seems to have no limits. Now it seems that Mexico lost self-sufficiency in corn and imports millions of tons annually for an agricultural policy is not favorable to transnational corporations and free trade model unfair, that favors purchases from abroad and has left most domestic producers, but because the country has not adopted the commercial planting of transgenic maize.
This persistent work of the multinational has taken effect. After the government late last year denied permission to pilot planting of transgenic corn in Sinaloa, now the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) has awarded a license to Monsanto to plant genetically modified yellow corn resistant to glyphosate herbicide in this pilot program agricultural cycle in Tamaulipas.
However, the real mortal danger, food, health and culture of the country, is instead opting for Monsanto to strengthen national agriculture. The planting of transgenic corn will accentuate the loss of food sovereignty of the country and pollute the native races of the grain.
According to National Commission for the Use and Knowledge of Biodiversity (CONABIO) in Tamaulipas are 16 races of the 59 existing native corn. A recent study concluded that releases CONABIO transgenic maize should be provided "only [to] properly trained public safety and lower risk areas." The study was funded by the SAGARPA and, contrary to its own recommendations, was released at the same time permission was approved pilot planting Monsanto Tamaulipas state, like the rest of the north and the whole of Mexico is center of origin of maize.
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