Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Do You Get In The Balloon In Poptropica

of earthquakes and more ...

Technology has made great strides in recent decades, but still unable to prevent some good time with such terrible disasters as the earthquake that Japan devastated a couple of weeks. Sign of the times, they say, the last two years have been marked by natural disasters as bad as the last (which also caused a tsunami that brought all this on one side of the Pacific civil defense mobilization has not been seen in decades), the earthquake in Chile, New Zealand, Haiti, Turkey, the Solomon Islands, just to name a few (in total there were 21 only in 2010, though not all fatalities caused because the location of the epicenters). Added to this has come a flood of information you are looking to terrorize the population (imagine that this is intended especially after reading the last message arrived in my mail that advertise these events as the beginning of the end of the world), and have begun to create headlines in the tabloids as pulled by the hair as "This will be the end of the world including photo of people levitating towards infinity-and beyond-that end, according to some, in Martian ships and, as others in the fifth pot of hell. And it goes beyond a joke, because they have begun to appear sects which appeared driving under the door of the house, claims to have the key to staying within the "chosen" not to die in the final catastrophe. I like some cable series, and sometimes we spend long afternoons watching full seasons with my girl, marathons, to reach the end of the world, sure we would fish in the middle of a laugh watching The Big Bang Theory or Dexter. But one of these series is 4400, that number where they appear (of course) United States, 4400 abductees during different eras. If you remember well the esoteric news post September 11 attack (now historic landmark by the press and a reference number that lovers of esotericism have taken as "key" according to the prophecies of Nostradamus and the Mayans), the appearance of UFOs or figure of the devil in the smoke starting to blow up the plane against the first Twin Tower caused the initial alarm to go tying ropes that lead inevitably to link all the recent disasters as signs of the end of the world. Whether true or not (by now I doubt everything and I have a couple of caps on platinum paper cone in case), it is better be aware, have on hand the basic equipment (flashlight, first aid kit, a battery powered radio, the kind that cost 10 soles on the market of Jesus Maria, and fleece blanket in a backpack) on hand, have a head cold go to a safe place previously set and nothing: wait for it to pass. Even when our time comes we will (as in the famous fable of the Chinese emperor a prophet who tells him that a lion will take away the life of his only son and it locks him in a wooden room where he painted all world's animal and child, child finally hit the lion and a chip inserted into your skin, it becomes infected and dies, inevitably, because of a lion). Meanwhile, prevention would be good, and it is our best (perhaps only).


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