certain former Labour Minister said that when the Cabinet was meeting and, by frequent failure of protocol and disorder in the agenda-came amid the meeting a foreign visitor, an international journalist or a delegation of citizens from any corner of the country President Chavez smiled and told his ministers: "Follow, follow, I will be meeting with these people. That's fast: I, we applied 'the charm' and you come ... " The " charm "as Chávez was called, according to this ex-minister, the effect on the people producing the mix of symbols of power ( Palace, the Guard of Honor and, of course, the presidential seat ...) with the style, among confianzudo and Huachume, body language and verbal. People actually retired between fascinated and appalled, and the President was satisfied with what he thought was the effect of his "personal magnetism." By the way, just thought Carlos Andrés Pérez, until it was too late ...

That was more than a decade, literally in the last century, and "both the pitcher goes to the source ..." until the jar is broken or the source dries up. In fact, the President today is annoying. Upset and worried. As Pérez, I thought it was enough simply his "touch" his presence, finally, his "charm" for the unrest and outrage people to convert again in hope and faith. And with that idea was for the Barrio La Pedrera, in Antimano, Caracas. As in other times, the presidential motorcade moved between groups of men, women and children screaming in their wake "Chavez, Chavez!" . But just approached, the President could hear fully what those citizens shouted: "Chavez, where are the houses ?!... Chávez, no shelters, housing yes! " With the aplomb still intact, the President tries, bullhorn in hand, be heard and, adopting a tone between teaching and bully-called" patience " explains that "it is accelerating the construction of housing for now the housing problem it took for him", but while they are ready to go to the shelter to protect their lives. The cries of the people then change: "Chavez, you have to go for Ronco! You gotta see that! So horrendous are the places where we want to get! You have to go for Ronco, Chavez! " . The "Ronco" is an old industrial building now converted into a refuge. That decide the end of the tour: What once was a "bath of people," was now a cold water bath, a flood of claims . The President addressed the manned military vehicle, surrounded by more than 20 Humvees and two hundred motorcycles, left the scene. Then tell him the same as for most of the way it was following a child crying in her window and said, "You have to come to the Ronco, Chávez, you have come!" . Chávez, of course, was not ...
"Gallo is crow does not repeat," we say in Venezuela. And the President is prepared to meet again with "his" people, but taking some "forward." This new find was in "City Caribia" one of the promises housing under construction. Nestled in the mountains between Caracas and La Guaira and severely restricted access to military custody, was fairly simple "filter" to attendees, so do not say on TV things "politically incorrect" . But the reality is so overwhelming that passes under the locking rings, above the "chops" that unnecessarily prepared the "production team" arrived quickly claims on Gramoven inadequate shelter and a school "raining more inside than outside" ... Chavez interrupted again with the petulant tone between instructive and makes a long circumlocution on ideological issues and ending twenty minutes after referring to an author who speaks about "the right of people to be questioned leaders "to finally tell the woman who made the claim:" Interpélame, then, my love. " His "love", unperturbed, continued to demand and reporting: "It's not only the school, Chavez, also high school is falling to pieces" . Antímano As with the asylum case of Ronco in Caribia wanted the victims to raise their complaint Gramoven sore on the refuge in the old warehouses of Coca Cola. The President had to admit to the cameras of "their" channel this general claim, and even mentioned that a woman "threw me on the hood of the car" to scream "Chavez, you have come to the Coca Cola!" Of course, was not, and the excuse is typical of these times of tele-government: "It's just that I have to reach Caribia City Light to make the program ..."
"Gallo is crow does not repeat," we say in Venezuela. And the President is prepared to meet again with "his" people, but taking some "forward." This new find was in "City Caribia" one of the promises housing under construction. Nestled in the mountains between Caracas and La Guaira and severely restricted access to military custody, was fairly simple "filter" to attendees, so do not say on TV things "politically incorrect" . But the reality is so overwhelming that passes under the locking rings, above the "chops" that unnecessarily prepared the "production team" arrived quickly claims on Gramoven inadequate shelter and a school "raining more inside than outside" ... Chavez interrupted again with the petulant tone between instructive and makes a long circumlocution on ideological issues and ending twenty minutes after referring to an author who speaks about "the right of people to be questioned leaders "to finally tell the woman who made the claim:" Interpélame, then, my love. " His "love", unperturbed, continued to demand and reporting: "It's not only the school, Chavez, also high school is falling to pieces" . Antímano As with the asylum case of Ronco in Caribia wanted the victims to raise their complaint Gramoven sore on the refuge in the old warehouses of Coca Cola. The President had to admit to the cameras of "their" channel this general claim, and even mentioned that a woman "threw me on the hood of the car" to scream "Chavez, you have come to the Coca Cola!" Of course, was not, and the excuse is typical of these times of tele-government: "It's just that I have to reach Caribia City Light to make the program ..."
Believing that these "disappointments" that has been the President every time he has tried to politicize the emergence and use the victims happen to be propaganda because "the Caracas are lifted "from Miraflores have scheduled a new public exhibition of the President to flood victims this time inside the country, in a makeshift shelter in a hotel in Tucacas Falcon State. But even beyond the outrage followed him, and the PSUV-TV cameras were forced to register as a young Venezuelan woman was brave enough to spoil their claims with the "reality show, microphone in hand. "Encouraged" the Commander-Speaker-President ...
Believing that these "disappointments" that has been the President every time he has tried to politicize the emergence and use the victims happen to be propaganda because "the Caracas are lifted "from Miraflores have scheduled a new public exhibition of the President to flood victims this time inside the country, in a makeshift shelter in a hotel in Tucacas Falcon State. But even beyond the outrage followed him, and the PSUV-TV cameras were forced to register as a young Venezuelan woman was brave enough to spoil their claims with the "reality show, microphone in hand. "Encouraged" the Commander-Speaker-President ...
polarization is a slogan UNITY IS A MUST
This crisis that rains makes visible today has been gestating for some time. For those living and struggling in the barrios of Venezuela, "repolarization" is a slogan, but the unit is a necessity: a necessity of survival . Neither the thug, nor polichoro, or rats leaving the landfill, nor the avalanche coming down the hill, asking the residents of the neighborhood "Hey, you're skinny or gobiernero?" Before attacking us. So, little by little, each with its ideology, each with their tastes and preferences, we have been approaching the neighbor with the neighbor, the village people to support each other, and to call together. The residents of popular neighborhoods, victims or not, and does not require calan speeches and solutions. And the call together, to make it harder. Obviously, it is the government of President Chavez, the main purpose of this claim unit of the humble. And "charm" does not work, that was one of the things that took the creek when he grew up. But that will not believe the opposition that means that "automatically" going to "collect" . Here the social unrest will be capitalized only for those leaders who, whatever their party or the tendency to be show with their deeds, witness of life, working with people, by the people and from people, sharing their pain and hope and building solutions.
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