Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Electronic Pulp Tester

Breadstorming Bloggers at Bimbo

To my surprise when I opened my mail as I do every morning, every noon and every night hehehehe and saw an email from Anna Codina SIGNATURE company wanted to to collaborate to create a recipe for exit packages Bimbo ..... QUEEEEEEE? good because you do not know what was my answer ...? not only because I said yes but that 9 more bloggers who already knew some in person and others I had the great pleasure of knowing .... I present them:

Cookieteca was organized everything in a very well prepared and with a thing .... because there we met first at a large table for everyone to a presentation and talk about the bread.
After we set five bloggers with recipes salted with other bloggers as assistants to make recipes ...
And I got ready in the top five to make our recipes.
had to be simple and relatively easy to find ingredients ....
And when we tried lunch all together with a couple of salads prepared us delicious there ....
and after a coffee, tea I came when the five other bloggers recipes and cooking we had helpers, but as my compi Rafa did not need much help I spent taking pictures of everything and everyone, well Rafa especially that it was his reflex jejejjeje
And then snack all ....
Farewell and thanks .....
you think?

But that is not all in a couple of hours had to be ready to go for beers and tapas and thereafter to eat at a Japanese .... just say that after saying he would not eat raw fish in my life, correct and say I'm in it and I've tried so far I love it .....

was an incredible experience we had a great ... well I heard out there that each recipe packet will in 2,000,000 ....

Coming Soon I pass the recipe .... Yarrow eggplant and chicken curry .....

want to thank Signature (Anna and Marc) at Bimbo Cookiteca, Bernard the chef and my fellow bloggers for your company, your friendship and for so good recipes .....


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