Making politics with the pain of those who have lost everything, the Chief Bureaucrat walks around makeshift shelters and everything in its path is evidence of bad government: mothers who have years in makeshift shelters also are falling, unemployed parents, children with health problems or special requirements without treatment, in short, a social tragedy unthinkable in a country that just spent nearly a trillion dollars in just ten years. The Bureaucrat-in-chief calls for "patience" it is now (after it has given the Venezuelan money to friends in other countries) when he says it will build homes. Is it that 12 years of patience are not enough? Do we have to wait 12 years to see replicated throughout the country the disaster of Vargas? Because this movie is repeated: Processes of "reconstruction" left a toll of a few super-rich and thousands in desperate orphan. That is the criminal path points to the so-called "Emergency Law Urban Land and Housing."

A "emergency law" nothing to say ...
The text of the Act there is no estimate on the size of an emergency housing. Nothing says on MANDATORY that the state should have the construction, availability and storage of building block structures and collapsible to provide optimal shelter and enough citizens victims a disaster. Nor NADA provides for the State's obligation to build public buildings (schools, theaters, subway stations or service modules, etc.) with certain engineering and design specifications that may fit these spaces and services required robustness for operating as a temporary shelter, if necessary. Much less contemplates absolutely NOTHING on standards for private developers in each project include mandatory structures capable of providing shelter to the inhabitants of such housing developments if necessary, and that under normal circumstances may have applications entertainment, sporting or cultural. None of that is the norm: This is an "emergency law" that has nothing to do with the arrangements to enable society and the State to anticipate and successfully meet an emergency.
Land "idle, under-used" kept very well by the Libertador Municipality Chavez two years ago at Avenida Libertador, in the urban heart of Caracas. all we have built is, of course, a fence ...
This" Emergency Law Urban Land "refers repeatedly to the action that the state should address the existence of urban land 'idle or underutilized," but does not define these undesirable characteristics, leaving such a definition to the discretion of bureaucrats. The Act gives the government tools to "punish" the urban land owner not to build, but does not provide the legal security, respect for property, access to finance and inputs necessary for the successful development of private construction projects . Finally, this law says nothing on "underutilized" by the state of an immense amount of urban land now occupied by government housing projects and abandoned halfway, and for which there is no regulatory or punitive action because "the state." So this is an "Urban Land Act" aimed not at promoting their social use, but to facilitate the "temporary employment", the "expropriation" and plunder, which leads to exclude or inhibit social actors with a significant capacity to provide solutions to the plight of poor housing and poor quality.
The average annual construction of housing units in the last ten years is around 17 000 units. Born annually in our country 400 thousand people and each year join 100 000 pairs. That is, if we were to improve society's ability to locate new housing in the long-standing goal of the hookers "one hundred thousand houses per year" would be just responding to natural population growth, which remains intact the current gross shortage of housing, already exceeds two million units. So the real answer to the plight of poor housing and poor quality is OPTIMIZE THE QUALITY OF THE HOMES THERE, by implementing massive physical habilitation plans neighborhoods, turning neighborhoods throughout Venezuela in condominiums that allow approved quality of life of its inhabitants with that of those living in conventional urban grid. That would take the pressure off housing demand: to massively improve the quality of housing that exists, would be much less than the number of people seeking new housing, thereby building the capacity of society and the state, which is still be improved would be closer and able to meet the social demand streamlined and rationalized. But this is the REAL problem of housing, says nothing is supposed Housing Act ...
District Zone 6 José Félix Ribas, Petare. For a decade the whole community space must be renewed by the Government National funds that partially came from the World Bank. The funds "disappeared." The ranch does not ...
This "Emergency Law Urban Land and Housing" which has nothing to do with either home or to land urban or emergencies, with all that you have to do is with a new pseudo-legal framework to expedite the business of those who today have access to desks and signatures to facilitate the transfer of huge public funds to private accounts properly "Connected." This is a law not to solve a social need, but to satisfy individual ambitions a few: those who have decades becoming super-rich "housing emergencies" that are a kind of magic act: The money is gone, the houses do not appear, nothing happens here ....
And to continue making laws and asked the Chief Bureaucrat night before that "enable" to rule by decree. To deal with the incompetence and the cheek on the Bureaucrat-in-Chief and his ministers recycled continue to build-in shelters, neighborhoods, street-people's unity in struggle. Those who come to divide by color flannels then go into their Humvees and their escorts, and leave us, Chavez and opponents, living in the neighborhood or risk the disgrace of the shelter. If we are united on the need, also let us join the fight! There is no other!
The text of the Act there is no estimate on the size of an emergency housing. Nothing says on MANDATORY that the state should have the construction, availability and storage of building block structures and collapsible to provide optimal shelter and enough citizens victims a disaster. Nor NADA provides for the State's obligation to build public buildings (schools, theaters, subway stations or service modules, etc.) with certain engineering and design specifications that may fit these spaces and services required robustness for operating as a temporary shelter, if necessary. Much less contemplates absolutely NOTHING on standards for private developers in each project include mandatory structures capable of providing shelter to the inhabitants of such housing developments if necessary, and that under normal circumstances may have applications entertainment, sporting or cultural. None of that is the norm: This is an "emergency law" that has nothing to do with the arrangements to enable society and the State to anticipate and successfully meet an emergency.

This" Emergency Law Urban Land "refers repeatedly to the action that the state should address the existence of urban land 'idle or underutilized," but does not define these undesirable characteristics, leaving such a definition to the discretion of bureaucrats. The Act gives the government tools to "punish" the urban land owner not to build, but does not provide the legal security, respect for property, access to finance and inputs necessary for the successful development of private construction projects . Finally, this law says nothing on "underutilized" by the state of an immense amount of urban land now occupied by government housing projects and abandoned halfway, and for which there is no regulatory or punitive action because "the state." So this is an "Urban Land Act" aimed not at promoting their social use, but to facilitate the "temporary employment", the "expropriation" and plunder, which leads to exclude or inhibit social actors with a significant capacity to provide solutions to the plight of poor housing and poor quality.
Slums built on top of Km 2 Via La Yaguara-El Junquito. were lifted with the approval of the then Mayor. In fact the place was called "Private Freddy Bernal." None exists today and its occupants are in shelters. Bernal is now deputy ...
The average annual construction of housing units in the last ten years is around 17 000 units. Born annually in our country 400 thousand people and each year join 100 000 pairs. That is, if we were to improve society's ability to locate new housing in the long-standing goal of the hookers "one hundred thousand houses per year" would be just responding to natural population growth, which remains intact the current gross shortage of housing, already exceeds two million units. So the real answer to the plight of poor housing and poor quality is OPTIMIZE THE QUALITY OF THE HOMES THERE, by implementing massive physical habilitation plans neighborhoods, turning neighborhoods throughout Venezuela in condominiums that allow approved quality of life of its inhabitants with that of those living in conventional urban grid. That would take the pressure off housing demand: to massively improve the quality of housing that exists, would be much less than the number of people seeking new housing, thereby building the capacity of society and the state, which is still be improved would be closer and able to meet the social demand streamlined and rationalized. But this is the REAL problem of housing, says nothing is supposed Housing Act ...
money disappears, PROPERTIES NOT LISTED, AND HERE nothing has happened ... This "Emergency Law Urban Land and Housing" which has nothing to do with either home or to land urban or emergencies, with all that you have to do is with a new pseudo-legal framework to expedite the business of those who today have access to desks and signatures to facilitate the transfer of huge public funds to private accounts properly "Connected." This is a law not to solve a social need, but to satisfy individual ambitions a few: those who have decades becoming super-rich "housing emergencies" that are a kind of magic act: The money is gone, the houses do not appear, nothing happens here ....
And to continue making laws and asked the Chief Bureaucrat night before that "enable" to rule by decree. To deal with the incompetence and the cheek on the Bureaucrat-in-Chief and his ministers recycled continue to build-in shelters, neighborhoods, street-people's unity in struggle. Those who come to divide by color flannels then go into their Humvees and their escorts, and leave us, Chavez and opponents, living in the neighborhood or risk the disgrace of the shelter. If we are united on the need, also let us join the fight! There is no other!
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