polarization works against the design and efficient implementation of public policies to improve the habitat in the popular sectors.
The housing problem if it starts, but first you have to eradicate corruption and inefficiency in the public sector.
A oil-producing country like Venezuela can not be measured poverty by the amount of money that eventually may be in the pockets, a day in and day out. Nor is it possible to evaluate relying only on statistics provided by officials acting as government public relations, rather than as technicians. The best way to determine if a country like Venezuela is more or less poverty is admiring the quality of habitat in the popular sectors, and in our country that analysis leaves no doubt: poverty unfortunately this progress because, paradoxically, the money oil has been used not to fight but to entrench poverty.
On Monday October 4 will mark the World Habitat Day . For those who integrated the Civil Partnership Radar de los Barrios , which develops an intense monitoring and reporting citizen activism deteriorating living conditions in the popular sectors, it is clear that the great difference between the past and the present time to habitat quality in the popular sectors of Venezuela, is that until 30 years ago in the neighborhoods of our country was poor habitat, but there were the economic, social and political were conceivable and possible way out of poverty . The Venezuelan that came from a rural farm town to a ranch had expected to move soon to a INAVI apartment and from there, with hard work, getting their children or grandchildren gathered through education to enable them to better jobs up residence middle-class areas with better services and improved quality of life.
SOCIAL MOBILITY VS country mired
Up to half of the seventies in our country, indeed the work and the study allowed the vertical mobility in society , and this in turn allowed horizontal mobility in the city : To take only the example of Caracas, who lived in AntÃmano had the expectation that their children, thanks to the good jobs that made possible the study could live in Paradise, San Martin and Monte Bello . Those living in Petare had hoped that their children could, by degree, take up residence in The Llanito Macaracuay or the Marquis. That expectation social and geographical mobility was frozen with Black Friday, and then shattered the four mega-devaluations that our currency suffered two in the Caldera II and two in the 11 years since he has been in power.
In contrast to this expectation of progress in our neighborhoods in force until 30 years ago, now have three consecutive decades (the last 20 years of democratic experience began in 1958, and the decade of the Chavez government) that the habitat in our neighborhoods is not only poor: It is also impoverishing . Any apartment costs more than 500 million Bs and any rent is above the two million a month, in a country where half the population is in the informal moonlighting and the other half, which is employed, 80% only earn minimum wage. This actually condemns people to replace the expectation of progress by the mere desire to survive. At the same time, political factors have been identified in the last decade an increase in permissiveness towards the end invasions and a relaxation in the rules for construction, match factors that have enabled our neighborhoods today are not only much larger and villages, but also more insecure vulnertables that a decade ago each .
that after 11 years power, President Chavez has finally understood that "the problem of housing is a State issue, and agree with the Chief of the urgent, necessary and possible to develop a set of public policies to address the problem and initiate a solution. But caution, respectful and firm, the first thing government should do is to correct wrong policies and get rid of inefficient and corrupt human teams. The president must remember that only overcome their mistakes who are assumed, and housing 11 long years he has mistaking.
Without these corrective previous government will do nothing but deepen previous mistakes. The only thing that Chavez radicalized the error. When he announces, as if a great thing, to devote 1.5 billion dollars to build housing that is 'his friend Rafael', citing the oil minister and PDVSA president Rafael Ramirez, President Chavez is backsliding on mistakes of these eleven years, Venezuela because if districts have not been enabled and no homes have been built is not just for lack of money.
substantially improve the habitat in the popular passes replace housing in neighborhoods at risk, perform the engineering work necessary to manageable Hydraulic and geological risk in popular areas, give the inhabitants of these areas, financial tools and techniques to improve their homes if they are not at risk, optimize core networks to improve the quality of life as white water, sewage and electrical service, optimize or build internal roads allow utilities like urban sanitation and policing come to the ends of each neighborhood and improve or build roads to connect the external neighborhood service centers and employment in the formal city . As shown, this is far more complex than giving a Realaze 'al compadre Rafael', but what is needed. Clearly the government does not have the technical capacity and management to do something like this (if not already done so), but Venezuelan society if you have those capabilities. It is then proposed to address the problem of housing and housing the government open to participation by civil society, academia and the private sector. Otherwise, the government only continue with the same nagging polarized, and the tragedies in the neighborhoods will lie to official statistics and government advertising.
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