"I wish that politicians were
! were! paralyzed,
I wish politicians were
! were! paralyzed.
would prevent
rob us and then took off running, we would avoid
cheated and laughed in our faces ... "
This is the lyrics of a song that the Venezuelan band" Public Disorder "popularized does more than twenty years. Many things have changed in the meantime. Today a song like that would be unacceptable not because of the alleged assault "politicians" but the flagrant disregard for the fellow who suffer a disability. Another curious thing: the "irreverent" musicians who yesterday denounced "politicians who cheat us and laugh in our faces" now accept to be hired just for politicians, as Mayor Jorge Rodríguez and de facto Head of Government District Jacqueline Farias-Capital is dedicated to "organize concerts" at the UCV without permission of that community, violating university autonomy, rather than deal with the many emergencies that occur Popular communities in their jurisdiction.
Emergencies, of course, not all are due to the alleged "wild card" of the rains, or the alleged "recklessness" of those who build their huts in areas at risk. In fact, mere excuses for bureaucrats: rain can never be a "wild card" in a tropical country like Venezuela, and urban overcrowding is not only "recklessness" in a country where political and economic centralism, aggravated in the last 11 years, has made more than 80% of the population is concentrated in only 20% of the territory.
In the case of the Libertador Municipality Mayor Jorge Rodriguez and an additional element stands out: A number of emergency situations, at a cost of many materials and even loss of human lives, have occurred in the districts of this geographical area, may be compromised seriously the responsibility of the municipality and other levels of government.
Indeed, the tragedy of the Barrio Santa Ana, Carapita, which killed seven compatriots (including five children who died hugging, stuck at home for the storm of mud and rock) many community voices have risen to noted as a cause of the tragedy a work done with public funds, contrary to logic and common sense technique, reduced the size of the input embaulado waters of the creek running through the sector. Upon the expected flood that funnel became in a dam to burst filled with mud and mourning an entire neighborhood.

Quebrada El Onoto, Caricuao, where he was the "Head of Government of the Capital District" announcing that "all the dangerous creeks were cleared." Soon after a flood killed a neighbor. Although an official unfinished work could have avoided this unfortunate fact, no one has responded to this point for that person to die ...
In the neighborhood of El Onoto, Parish Caricuao the announced (and hired ...) channeling of the creek for a distance of at least two kilometers stopped after a stretch channeled more than fifty meters. The de facto head of government of the Capital District was there on July 16, 2009 announcing that "high-risk streams have been cleared." 82 days after the same stream grew to the point of taking a fellow. A year and three months of this tragedy, even the body of that city has not been found.
So houses are now Barrio Raul Leoni, in Casalta III, Catia, shattered by the slip of land. While the stability of these areas should make guaranteed by a "screen braced" started and never completed by the Municipality of Libertador, no one has responded to these citizens for their homes and other property ...
In the Barrio Raúl Leoni, Sector Los Pinos, Casalta III, Catia, and more than one hundred families who have lost their homes to lease the land on which they settled. The stability of these areas should be secured by a major engineering work, a "screen braced" contract, announced, launched and paid for "? at the time of mayor Freddy Bernal, but never finished ...
Bureaucrats, "ROLLED DOWNHILL IN ..."
This is not political slogans or rainfall statistics, but the lives of children, elderly, women and men who live with the risk in the popular sectors, a risk that instead of being "mitigated" or "managed" by the authorities to which responsibility is compounded by the inability, lack of interest or gross negligence of these same authorities. Instead of responding to the city for these and many other situations that may be committed the responsibility of the office to your office, Mayor Rodriguez bailantas organized provocations and, perhaps thinking that attacking the university and the woman who now occupies the Vargas chair can help to "raise points "in the eyes of the leader.
Because the gaze of the people there is no "higher" possible: For many years, President Chavez was filling his mouth saying that in the Libertador municipality, inhabited primarily by low-income communities, the policy proposal was unbeatable. In fact this party because I take the geographical and administrative outburst saying "Caracas is actually the Libertador Municipality, the rest is nothing" awful converted argument to lead to the creation of the monster called the Capital District. The truth is that thanks to, among other things, to "public disorder" that Huey & Jackie have in Caracas, in the elections of September 26 brought the united opposition in Libertador more votes than the ruling party (484,844 vs. 484,103 votes votes pro-government opponents, despite all the official opportunism as the CNE). In other words: If the past 26 / S were chosen by the Mayor of Libertador and the Mayor of the Capital District, both sides had been won by the democratic alternative.
"Tierra de Nadie" students call the university space in which the mayor Jorge Rodriguez rode the night of Friday October 22, a musical show, contrary to the opinion of the university authorities and spending few resources here could have been very useful if they had been dedicated to serving the thousands of victims in Caracas is a simple consequence of rain. CARACAS-FREE FIGHT LEAVE BECAUSE be a city without government, a "no man's land. Today we fight to defend life, property and dignity of the humblest. Tomorrow we vote for a government (municipal, regional, national) that works for its citizens rather than attacking them.
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