high prices and shortages "MADE IN SOCIALISM"
Why is this happening in our country? Why is not food, and if it is this expensive? That's another argument that if we neglect becomes a war of propaganda and a gun talkative endless! We prefer to stick to the facts: If instead of encouraging those who produce food in our country, the government invades or guarantees impunity to those who invade swidden, plots, estates, farms and ranches ... then NO FOOD! If instead of paying a fair price in our country who produce meat, chicken, black beans, rice and other commodities, the government's mind, that is, brings in other countries ... then NO FOOD! Finally, if even the food that is imported instead of being distributed and marketed effectively left to lose, misplace, and decay in container PEDEVAL thousands, so ... NO FOOD!
To find bitter examples of what is happening in the Venezuelan countryside do not go to South Lake, or the savannahs of Barinas and Apure, or Turbio Valley, or the plains of Guarico and Portuguesa. In any of these sites, and many more, we find many (painful) case of establishments that are efficiently produced milk, meat, bananas and other vegetables, and where now there are only mountains and snakes ... and any fence trying to fool us into believing that the production unit that worked there was "made in socialism." But here at the edge of the Caracas Metropolitan Area, next to El Junquito, parish El Junko Vargas State, in the agricultural zone The Tibroncito, we have a sample of how food production plays in the government or to support agricultural producers, or allow socially responsible private enterprise to do so.
underworld and MATRACA
In The Tibroncito's shattered agricultural roads prevents putting out seeds and crops.
A cliff blocks access to the White Conception School, and the narrow gauge in use becomes impassable when lighter rain falls, becoming "victims instant" to school. The existing electrical service is cobbled together by villagers.
Yurisbel Silva, member of Common Council in the area, do not hesitate to remind the government that "we are also human beings too are Venezuelans, before turning to other countries, the government should first look here and help us. "
Anyone would think that, despite having these "rural problems", the people of El Tibroncito least are safe from the calamities that plague big cities, such as crime or police corruption. Suppose it would be a mistake: Gregory Mujica, local resident, complains that "as the road is so bad, you have to go to work at dawn, at 4 or earlier, and ended up returning home late at night. Since there is no lighting, all of these tours are in the dark. That is a haven for the underworld, which has intensified the robberies and the theft of motorcycles and cars in this area. Calling the police is futile, because they always say they have no units, but you see them walking with the trucks. Only you can see police activity paydays, when Poli-Vargas active checkpoints in which rattles producers and other neighbors ... "
In 1985, when Eduardo Stein founded in Tibroncito Finca Dos Aguas, the valley seemed to exist for the Venezuelan government, and even now apparent. But the state does not exist to ensure education, security, transportation and services to compatriots in El Tibroncito they break their backs to produce the food we eat in the city, if it is present at the time of "throwing pod" people. In fact, on Friday 29 INTI commission and National Guard, "visited" the facilities of the Villa Dos Aguas. If they were "testing the waters", I wish them the incursion has served to get the views that favor the operation of it, have expressed the communal councils in the area, neighboring smallholders and farmers, and not Chavez Chavez, who work there.
Since its founding, the Finca Dos Aguas is an example of organic farming friendly, economically sustainable and socially responsible. In 1985, when the State's policy was "import substitution", the farm went into operation to replace imports of endive and asparagus. In 1992, when the Venezuelan government policy was to open local markets to international competition, Finca Dos Aguas diversified production and created an alternative Creole in the area of \u200b\u200bpre-packaged ready to eat salads. More than 30 workers working at two processing plants: one for herbs (basil, dill, cilantro, watercress, tarragon, lemon balm, mint, etc.) And another for the lettuce. They also the packaging is made of the products. In the first year of production, Finca Dos Aguas prepared 100 bags a day, now and packed 2,500 bags per day. In 2010, when the Venezuelan government policy is to promote the collapse of the country's productive apparatus, the community of El Tibroncito is preparing to defend the Finca Dos Aguas, the only source of private work that exists in the area.
So the next time you fret (on the market, in your kitchen or at your table) by the scarcity and food prices, consider that today we reveal: In our country agricultural producers are abandoned "by being in the field, and have the same problems of the inhabitants of the city. Among these problems, one very important: Having a government like this, that instead of supporting those who produce food of harassing, threatening and abandons ...
Why is this happening in our country? Why is not food, and if it is this expensive? That's another argument that if we neglect becomes a war of propaganda and a gun talkative endless! We prefer to stick to the facts: If instead of encouraging those who produce food in our country, the government invades or guarantees impunity to those who invade swidden, plots, estates, farms and ranches ... then NO FOOD! If instead of paying a fair price in our country who produce meat, chicken, black beans, rice and other commodities, the government's mind, that is, brings in other countries ... then NO FOOD! Finally, if even the food that is imported instead of being distributed and marketed effectively left to lose, misplace, and decay in container PEDEVAL thousands, so ... NO FOOD!
underworld and MATRACA
In The Tibroncito's shattered agricultural roads prevents putting out seeds and crops.
A cliff blocks access to the White Conception School, and the narrow gauge in use becomes impassable when lighter rain falls, becoming "victims instant" to school. The existing electrical service is cobbled together by villagers.
Yurisbel Silva, member of Common Council in the area, do not hesitate to remind the government that "we are also human beings too are Venezuelans, before turning to other countries, the government should first look here and help us. "
In 1985, when Eduardo Stein founded in Tibroncito Finca Dos Aguas, the valley seemed to exist for the Venezuelan government, and even now apparent. But the state does not exist to ensure education, security, transportation and services to compatriots in El Tibroncito they break their backs to produce the food we eat in the city, if it is present at the time of "throwing pod" people. In fact, on Friday 29 INTI commission and National Guard, "visited" the facilities of the Villa Dos Aguas. If they were "testing the waters", I wish them the incursion has served to get the views that favor the operation of it, have expressed the communal councils in the area, neighboring smallholders and farmers, and not Chavez Chavez, who work there.

Since its founding, the Finca Dos Aguas is an example of organic farming friendly, economically sustainable and socially responsible. In 1985, when the State's policy was "import substitution", the farm went into operation to replace imports of endive and asparagus. In 1992, when the Venezuelan government policy was to open local markets to international competition, Finca Dos Aguas diversified production and created an alternative Creole in the area of \u200b\u200bpre-packaged ready to eat salads. More than 30 workers working at two processing plants: one for herbs (basil, dill, cilantro, watercress, tarragon, lemon balm, mint, etc.) And another for the lettuce. They also the packaging is made of the products. In the first year of production, Finca Dos Aguas prepared 100 bags a day, now and packed 2,500 bags per day. In 2010, when the Venezuelan government policy is to promote the collapse of the country's productive apparatus, the community of El Tibroncito is preparing to defend the Finca Dos Aguas, the only source of private work that exists in the area.
So the next time you fret (on the market, in your kitchen or at your table) by the scarcity and food prices, consider that today we reveal: In our country agricultural producers are abandoned "by being in the field, and have the same problems of the inhabitants of the city. Among these problems, one very important: Having a government like this, that instead of supporting those who produce food of harassing, threatening and abandons ...
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