"What people feel Santa Ana, Blandin, El Onoto, El Junquito of Casalta III, Vista Hermosa (all places where landslides have killed dozens, hundreds housing, some of them to balance fatal human victims) at the news that shook the world: the successful rescue of 33 miners in the mine Chilean San Jose? ". We asked the question, and seek a response. In all these communities have good friends, employees or activists Radar. When discussing the issue, the first reaction was joy for others, the second of shock, because of the complexity of the task and how quickly did, and the third was anger: "Why, if in Chile were able to rescue some people who were at the center of the earth, nobody helps us? Are our lives worth less? Or is that our government cares less of what Chilean miners matter to the government of his country? "
Child The Mulatal resident of the neighborhood, where there is neither a house or a street, or a ladder for cracks and unevenness monstrous abyss, a community that has five years of waiting for "urgent relocation" offered by a Minister of Housing. Is not it easier to them to rescue someone buried 700 meters deep? For this government, no ...
A GOVERNMENT Rescue, another
AGREED ... Indeed, in Chile to rescue the 33 miners was necessary to penetrate 700 meters of solid rock in the depths of the Mina San Jose, near Copiapo, a small town of just 150 000 inhabitants, located in the Atacama desert, in the "Norte Grande" in Chile. Was victorious effort of a country united: government, private companies and citizens by a single front in the hope, further supported by international cooperation and solidarity across the globe. In just 70 days made a flawless operation might say: "Chile: Mission Accomplished"
Unlike what is seen in Chile, where success is achieved by the unity of a whole country, in Venezuela the division and confrontation between the government and most of the people is one of the most obvious causes of failure. The National Executive "has not had time" to repair the East Tower of Parque Central (which on Sunday October 17 six years since fire), or address the flaws in the national power grid, or build houses, or enable districts or to repair the streets, or to end the uncertainty, or to build schools and hospitals. because it is "too busy" fighting with his own people calling "guarimberos" the Valleys Homeless Tuy who protest because they see Bethany City homes built for them are addressed to other people when required by the necessity of government propaganda, putting prisoners to trade unionists as Ruben Gonzalez, Ferrominera, protesting to defend their class brothers; prosecute Indian leaders as the boss Yukpa Sabino Romero, imprisoned for defending their ancestral lands to harass human rights defenders as PROVEA and Rafael Uzcategui Humberto Prado, to trivialize their complaints and "pushed" to silence, etc. ..
comparisons Beware! Let us not only in the superficial! The most obvious and serious contrast between Chile's success and the chronic failure of the inefficient and corrupt Venezuelan military-civilian bureaucracy is not just a matter of "styles" or political labels. The bottom line is that in our continent there are countries that are fired into the future, others are stuck in limbo and there are some who, like ours, quickly receding into the past. Chile is now the American economy closer to becoming a first world country, Brazil is sitting on the table with the eight most industrialized countries to decide the direction of the global economy and Colombia occupies a position in the Security Council of the UN. While that happens in our country districts fall any rain, agriculture is on the ground, the underworld unpunished massacre the population and many schools still can not start the school year because they are homeless shelters And the President? In Russia, buying tanks, but no water tanks, but tanks war!
is no longer compare to the industrialized North and the old Europe or the Far Japan. Our standard of comparison is urgent and much closer: Do we want to be a country like Chile today, a society able to rescue 33 miners lost in the bowels of the earth? Or do we want to remain a country like Cubazuela Chavez, unable even to rescue our fellow citizens in their huts walled every time she falls a drizzle? That's the decision, the rest is gamelote, grass, straw!
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