Radar in Santa Ana, Carapita, compared to "cap" of vehicles and debris that finally stopped the mudslide that claimed seven lives
write these lines impacted by the dimensions of the tragedy in the afternoon and evening of Friday 24 September, when a prolonged downpour generated a significant amount of overflow of streams and landslides. In the Santa Ana, Carapita, in the parish Antímano, the landslide came to collect seven deaths and about 20 homes boarded up. According to neighbors, the disaster may have generated even more victims. At the time of writing this column still and fire personnel continued to search for Civil Protection.

Santa Ana, Carapita. This bridge was six feet high. The mud went up so much that now seems he's always been at ground level ...
AS IN 1999 ...
As in 1999, the imminent execution of an electoral event tarnishes, subtract or divert attention from (and solidarity) that would elicit such a tragedy. It is not only that while the inhabitants of Antímano faced an avalanche of mud and terror, President Chavez ("ironies of life, faces of death?) Is preparing to distribute its proselytizing chain" the good life cards ". It is not only alienated the emphasis that all television channels controlled by the state placed on electoral, while muting ignored or put information on the mess created by incompetence and triggered by the rain. This is in addition to ourselves, the whole country. Surely, it will be on Tuesday or Wednesday when, once the final results of parliamentary elections, Venezuela "is of mind" to find out what really happened in Caracas, Vargas and Senior Mirandinos on Friday night 24. but meanwhile, let us be seated after a few points that can not be overlooked when considering why in less than a week fourteen Venezuelans have lost their lives "because of the rains" in a tropical country, precisely where Most often, it rains. These points are:

With hands, barefoot, residents of Santa Ana, Carapita, worked to remove the debris blocking the embaulamiento of the gorge, in a hurry, before the rain again ...
1) This is not a "natural disaster." In fact, "natural disasters" DO NOT EXIST. There natural hazards (hurricane, earthquake, volcano, etc.) Which when combined with social vulnerability, create a disaster. WHY IS THAT WHILE IN OTHER COUNTRIES THE PASSAGE OF A HURRICANE ONLY CAUSE DAMAGE AND ANY VICTIM ISOLATED IN A FEW HOURS OF RAIN VENEZUELA cost him his life the whole family. What happened in Carapita Blandin and was therefore not a "natural misfortune." Those 14 compatriots died because in this immensely rich country governments have been unable to use that wealth to give citizens a life in which the risks are duly warned. a secure life. a life without fear ...

walked in Santa Ana, Carapita on the mud, and we saw houses on our side. In fact what we saw was the second floor of the houses. The first level was buried in the mud ...
2) This DISASTER SOCIAL AND POLITICAL which we live is, as you said the President Hugo Chávez, historical causes. BUT IS ALSO RESPONSIBLE POINT, SPECIFIC, SPECIFIC! The rural Venezuela early twentieth century was a gaunt country, massacred by tuberculosis, bilharzia and malaria especially, then faces the direst poverty. Given the wealth that brought the start of oil exploitation, the people left the certain death by neglect and abandonment that awaited him in the field and went to the cities in search of a better life. So Venezuela today is that 90% of the population lives in cities and towns, 80% live in the north-coast of the country and 40% live in just eight major population centers. This happened between 1936 and 1998: people are "all evenly" where was he had a better chance to survive: in the cities. IN THE COMING YEARS OF 1998 TO NOW THAT PROCESS OF CONCENTRATION OF RESOURCES (and consequent overcrowding) what you've done is to sharpen. political centralism has done that now everything depends on Caracas. The communist effort to destroy the local business community has done in Venezuela now almost 100% of what we eat and dress is imported. Everything comes through the ports. And those who live far from the ports is less likely that wealth even "splashes." It is no coincidence that the poorest states and municipalities in the country are those in the southern border, the farthest north to the coastal strip. In other words, if it is true what the President says, that the recent tragedies in the neighborhoods are part of the "historical guilt" of the so-called "Fourth Republic", will then be concluded that the worst government in the is precisely this Fourth Republic, headed by Hugo Chávez.
3) But besides the historical responsibility (Which, as we have seen, Chavez shares) is also a special responsibility, timely, current. And that if it is completely and utterly of this government, which already has 12 long years in power. THE GOVERNMENT has sabotaged (or rather, HA "Chavot) Enabling YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD. In 2000, the high government froze the National Neighborhood Empowerment, bounced to the professionals working there and disappoint communities, enthusiastic, involved in projects. In 2005, the top bureaucrats destroyed a new attempt, the Transformation Programme Endogenous Barrios. On both occasions, the President himself Chavez was the star of these disastrous decisions: in 2000 gave all power in the housing sector to his then friend, General Victor Cruz Weffer. In 2005 it gave the group of Lt. Diosdado Cabello, who when not exercised directly Housing portfolio placed in that position for someone in his entourage. On both occasions, the result was failure. Failure, of course, very expensive, which has cost the state billions of dollars (we do not know where they went, because no homes), and that the town has cost human lives.
... Nobody, therefore, is called deception. The tragedies of Blandin and Carapita are not "sad stories." are the inevitable result of wrong public policies, also carried by an inept and corrupt government . In crisis on Friday as 24, the country is likely to recognize the heroism of firefighters and rescue workers of Civil Protection, which delivers capacity and contrasts with the incompetence and indifference of bureaucrats. But today it is clear that the efficient way of saving lives is not "managing the disaster well." In fact what should be done in properly managing risks, precisely so that the disaster did not occur. For that we need in our country change. A policy change, and people to run these new policies. Today, Sunday 26 September is a great day to think and act in that direction.
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