awake and ... TIME IS RUNNING OUT!
To the Priests, Religious and Religious Groups
the Lay Apostolate, the Catholics of this Archdiocese, and the Falcon
as we are to commemorate the bicentennial of our independence and four hundred eighty years of the creation of Diocese of Coro, erected by Bull of Pope Clement VII in 1531, and before the electoral process of September 26, in my capacity as Archbishop of this city, following Venezuela, Cultural Heritage of Humanity, I turn to God's people pilgrimage in the Archdiocese to present some thoughts at a time when the beloved country must decide its fate at the crossroads where found.
The Church, as Pope John XXIII called "Mater et Magistra," Mother and Teacher of the villages (May 15, 1961), can not remain indifferent to the historical dilemmas of nations, when some values \u200b\u200band principles of man and society, are seriously threatened. "The Church, because of their mission and their competition is not in any way confused with the political community nor bound to any political system is both a sign and safeguard of the transcendence of the human person" (GS 76) so that "the Church does not encourage any earthly ambition. Only want one thing: to continue under the guidance Spirit, the very work of Christ ... "(GS 3).
In my position as Pastor of this portion of God's people could not forgive me if I refuse the obligation to express clearly about some aspects of social and political situation of the country and our region. This decision is bolstered by the mandate of the Church to the Bishops where we are asked to situations of injustice, "and often mired in them, which inevitably open the door to conflict and death, the bishop is defending the rights of Man, created in the image and likeness of God. Preaches the moral doctrine of the Church, defends the right to life from conception to death ... naturally assumes the defense of the weak, becoming the voice of the voiceless to enforce their rights ...". (Pastores Gregis, n.67).
a troubling reality.
When less than twelve years, Venezuelan Prelates, reported the theft of public money, the country's indebtedness by way of an accumulated deficit, bureaucratic processes suffered by the province that impeded their development along Caracas The hoarding of democracy by political parties, the obstacles placed by the senior leadership of these organizations to the replacement of the leadership of our society, increasing poverty and social injustice, loss of faith with so many unfulfilled promises, specially made at election time and many other calamities, incomprehensible in a country immensely rich, never imagined that the remedy that would not be aspired to live up to the demands of changing to a better quality of life and the consolidation of democracy lived in freedom.
If we look at some elements of the national scene we find that our country is now bloody end to end. The Bishops made this statement last January:
"With great pain we see Venezuela become great strides in a violent society. Every day dramatically increases the homicide rate, which places Venezuela among the countries in the world with the highest number of deaths by murder. This criminal violence is making us ever closer. Today is killed up to trivial matters: to steal anything, is assassinated in revenge or commissioned through the dark world of assassins, are killed under the influence of alcohol or drugs, also have been political killings. Such killings are usually carried out with firearms circulating without any control "(CEV. Pastoral Letter on Violence and insecurity. 01/12/2010).
Unfortunately, this reality that we described last nine Bishops months without seeing increased structural solutions by those responsible for public security policies at the national and regional.
Just as the specter of death generates violence, poor public services nationally and in our region, are causes of despair and even death. Investment in infrastructure and well-paid staff in the education sector, mainly in the health sector, causing repeated violence to the human rights of Venezuelans. Some of them unfortunately die and go to the mortuary deposits. The numerous protests from staff working in health centers, bear witness to a situation that cries out to heaven to see themselves in their practice affected by the lack of infrastructure, personnel and supplies, more unfortunate is that the national government at a political will of these centers, rather than constitutional and humane treatment.
the past two decades, the country has received immense financial resources that have unfortunately not served at all to permanently improve the quality of life of Venezuelans, and to get a better education, health and housing; only served as momentary palliative in times of bonanza from high oil prices. But also, and very serious, without calling for consultation to all Venezuelans, we are the true owners of public funds, unilaterally and with no accounts, much of these economic resources are distributed in gifts of all kinds other nations in a spirit of new rich, ranging from aid to repay debt a foreign country, to aid in some cases as a loan to buy weapons, power plants, construction of bridges and highways, oil refineries and what is more disturbing still, the main source of income of the country that is trade hydrocarbons, has been sold in the future for decades to certain powers, in a sense mortgaging the future of younger generations Venezuelans. Not that the Venezuelan people opposed to solidarity with sister nations, but asks you first attend their basic needs.
Internationally, the country has more problems every day. National power holders have offended several times to governments and institutions in the United States, Holland, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Vatican, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Israel , Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, France, to the congresses of Brazil and Paraguay to the Organization of American States, other faiths and maintain a joint religious disadvantage with Cuba, Nicaragua and Iran.
With great pain we also found a considerable number of young Venezuelans who for years have worked to prepare intellectually and technically, they have to leave the country in search of job opportunities in other nations as a result of sectarianism and intolerance of diverse opinions and convictions of those who do not believe nor accept the policy proposals of national government. Remember that Venezuela is diverse in its landscapes, the color of their people, their cultures, because we have a mixture of races. We can not accept, therefore, that we intend to standardize with a single color and a thought unique. In the essence of Venezuela are the diversity and plurality, and two hundred years after it was clear we should have respect for that diversity by the blood spilled by our liberators.
Not without astonishment, Venezuelans have seen in recent days, the painful spectacle that has given the world, having exposed a massive acquisition of consumer food with expired date or close to maturity, for which paid huge amounts of money, and that has endangered the health of the poorest people, without which the public authorities responsible for investigating and prosecuting those responsible have not yet offered a satisfactory explanation Venezuelans. In this as in many illegal acts involving government officials, impunity is present.
With all this ordeal behind him, the Church, which I remember rightly, is a constitutive element of Venezuelan nationality, has been attacked, discrediting and disrespecting their bishops and especially to the person of Cardinal Jorge Urosa, Archbishop of Caracas, whom he called almost coercively to the National Assembly, for having called Marxist socialism, which boasts the government as true communism, which the Church condemns, it was responsible for the backwardness and the atheism of some countries that were for decades under authoritarian regimes, in which they denied all freedoms and happily with the consequences of the fall of the Berlin Wall the States of Europe, could be open to the hope of freedom and democratic pluralism.
calling not to demolish the opponents how to build a nation but with opportunities for all. If not prevail dialogue and harmony, respect for the Constitution, placing into question the prevailing private property and arrogance, we're heading to a major confrontation that Venezuelans will head to Venezuela. It is my duty then to appeal to correct the direction of the country and fight the continuing illness of Venezuelan democracy: "Corruption, privilege, lack of administrative, political patronage, the excessive spending, the moral deterioration of structures and institutions" (CEV. Declaration on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of Venezuelan democracy. 01/20/1998) . As Venezuelan hurts the country.
A country built by all.
Building a country is a tenacious work of all citizens. The democratic system allows the alternation of responsibilities in the political power of a nation, in view of making the common good is made present in the whole community, not just one sector. Also allows them to be many people in different communities to exercise leadership to achieve the common good and a better quality of life. These leaders can not emerge from a description or a hand on the shoulder, much less to walk a few days in a carriage, arising from attitudes and authentic charisma, testimonials, service and delivery to the community from a personal ethic, respect for diversity, honesty in his performance, a life dedicated to truth and uplifting preaching and conciliatory. Our communities are tired of people who do not know makeshift community social reality and lack of qualifications to govern ethical decency. Human and Christian
know that the dignity of every human person and the development of the family, society, work, relationships, cohabitation, education, health, civic participation and others are and should be the basis of concern and interest of all public servant. Political regimes, which in many ways are changing in history, are simple means should be employed by the person and human community. I do not understand, so why invest in our country, the terms, asking that individuals and society as a whole are at the service of a political project in the course of the last eleven years has been called: the Bolivarian revolutionary socialist XXI century, Marxist and communist. I believe that this approach is outdated and is bondage.
We must be aware that any political system should be a means to serve the highest and most noble interests of the individual and society, but at the same time, we can say that political systems are not equal. In our country we have chosen democracy and we want to stay in it as "a fundamentally ethical choice for the dignity, their rights and freedoms, duties and responsibilities, which finds support and legitimacy of all forms of human society and social structure "(John Paul II, Message to the VII Ibero-American Summit, 10/28/1997).
All Venezuelans, particularly the Falcon will have the opportunity to evaluate the proposals and personal attitudes of those who aspire to a parliamentary office on 26 September. There is a power game to see who gets more deputies in the National Assembly, but what is at stake is the future of the people and their peaceful coexistence since the first service of the National Assembly is the design, development and approval of laws to be applied to each of the Venezuelans as a person and society. Therefore, the direct role of this position is in relation to the life of citizens, there are impeded or promoted freedoms. But has a "control" of the actions of rulers, that allows you to find the people's interests and not a person or a particular party. A legislature unicolor, quiet, submissive and fearful no place in a democratic system.
for citizens and more so for Christians, voting is a right and a duty, is an indisputable right and an inescapable duty. It has to do with human dignity because through it we use our freedom, our solidarity and our commitment to work for the common good. Bishops a few years ago we declared that "the vote will give the Venezuelan people will fly to destinations in the nation. So we must be driven not by an irrational emotion, but by conscience and personal responsibility that leads us to choose those who are able to exercise true representation, to provide a service for the common good and to seek harmony and cooperation in respect for pluralism " (CEV-Testimony before the election. 23/10/1998)
As Venezuelans and lovers of democracy, voting is our only valid weapon to transform the country. Venezuela
requires us to fulfill the sacred duty to vote. Do not forget that the sins of omission also be judged.
prayed to God and the Virgin of Coromoto, patroness of Venezuela, to meet the most expeditious way to allow the harmonious development of all Venezuelans. As a people long to be identified with respect to the truth of human dignity, freedom, justice and commitment to the common good. Lord help us build the fraternal, loving everyone without excluding anyone, in solidarity with the poor and work for reconciliation and peace.
thank the priests read to the faithful of this document at Mass on Sunday next.
Coro, September 11, 2010,
Solemnity of Our Lady of Coromoto
+ Roberto de Coro
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