People who sympathize with the opposition rarely check the websites of the supporters of Chavez. What's more, rarely speaks with supporters of Chavez, and not for the irony, the joke hurtful or confrontation. In fact, on many families in which brothers are opposed and others are pro-government supporters, the only way to preserve some level of family harmony has been completely excluding the political issue: "That is not spoken." Perhaps this is the reason why it should not only opposition parties but the people opponent has ignored a very important fact: the way that popular discontent Chavez stopped the VAT increase, rising electricity rates and the resurrection Bank Debit Tax.
In fact, web pages and pro-government supporters forums abounded in the days end of 2010 comments to articles openly critical of these economic measures. "VAT is a regressive tax is the tax right over all the tax right-wing suspicion because the weak and the powerful as being equal" . In gobierneras radios were struggling to filter the stream of messages with complaints about the measures announced, but some streamed: "Comrade, how is that? Is not that we are empowering the people, building social justice, making the poor are incorporated into the economic dynamics, and it turns out we will pass a bank debit tax that the first thing it does is scare poor banking system, keeping them on the margins and informality?. "
But most striking is what was heard directly from the pro-Chavez activists and community leaders, neighbors and friends of ours, about the announced rise in electricity tariffs: "Chávez is crazy what is ... But if light and rose when emergency and power outages, and never came back down ever again! Will go back up again? Hundred-odd I paid, and I'm paying almost five hundred, and I have the same pots as before, pure and saving bulb ... Nojo ... keep it up, I'm going to take a cuentico ...! "
This was the sea bottom when Chavez popular unrest is bombarded by two news from the government, supposedly "revolutionary": the devaluation of the "strong bolivar" and the beginning of mass layoffs in public administration, starting precisely by the Ministry of Giordani. The mix of rising prices, devaluation and massive layoffs ignited a warning light in the minds of many basic Chavez. "This sheath is a neoliberal package!" Said more than one. In fact, the head of our column on "the economic package Giordani Chavez-Fidel" was the result of a friendly conversation with neighbors Chavez, members of a Board of Social Battle of who we became friends in mid-November, shoulder to shoulder when we drew mud of some homes in your industry.
radicals neoliberal "VS. "Endogenous right"
Finally, all this must be added the internal struggles between the domes of Chavez rotten bureaucratic. The left primitive not dispute, assaults. But if it is forced to transform the discussion in an exercise called Manichean between "hard and soft", "hawks and doves" or of "true revolutionaries" on one side and the "endogenous right" on the other. And this last point is the sign of the recent wrangling between power groups within the political class gobiernera, regarding the installation of the National Assembly.
As you may recall, when the primaries were held within the Diosdado Cabello Chavez still occupied a strong position in the executive, shipping from a "super-ministry" created especially for him by the merger of MINFRA and MINVIVIENDA. With these "arguments", Cabello was able to weave a network of regional alliances that led many analysts to consider the "big winner" of the primaries pesuvecas. Against the network, against the alliance was that charged the President of the PSUV that (oh coincidence!) is the same President, and to leave no doubt took as President of the National Assembly no more and no less than Fernando Soto Rojas, a character who at the request of Chavez was put to swear like Falcon nominee list after being overwhelmingly defeated in the primaries of the PSUV in the January 23 (where it says Hair financed the campaign of the winner of the circuit), and therefore owes Chavez personally position held.
Mal could then Chávez, which internally led a "crusade" against the "endogenous right", to appear publicly defending the viability of a neoliberal package. True to form, gave priority to the immediate needs of political control, also covered in the margin of play that give high oil prices.
But something happened. Something that slipped under the table to any ordinary citizen, Chavez or the opposition: the fascist As Higher Education Act was frozen vehement resistance by students Democrats street, rising taxes and service was also stopped by the adverse climate of opinion vehemently at the base Chavez. If this is the fact that now there are 65 National Assembly deputies elected by 52% of the voters but to be at 100% of the country, Venezuelans can see the future with cautious optimism. Today it is possible that the internal collapse of the bureaucratic Chavez, a product of corruption and inefficiency, not necessarily mean a collapse of the Venezuelan state and society. Today it is possible to connect the social protest with the necessary construction of a political and electoral alternative solution to this mess.
The year started in its first week with four losses in a row for gobiernera bureaucratic crust. Maintaining this pace implies unity, organization, awareness and mobilization. And never forget that it is good to hear again the voices opposition in the National Assembly or the Latin American Parliament, but political success will only if those voices also express a deep social commitment to Venezuela with a hunger for bread, housing, employment, security and justice. With Venezuela, in short, it still expects to meet him the offer of democratic change that we made in 1998!
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