In the 60 and 70 in Venezuela was possible, with work, thrift, hard work and study, moving from ranch to ranch rural village, from there to an apartment and there INAVI an apartment or middle class, after winning at least one son to become a college graduate. vertical mobility in society and horizontal mobility in the city was a realizable dream. This is called "puntofijismo" and speak evil of so-called "40 years", the democratic experiment launched in 1958 is the most formidable social inclusion process to remember the history Venezuela. The use of lever oil to finance the expansion of educational enrollment, infrastructure policy (including the construction of basic business Guayana), the substantial improvement in public health and state support for the emergence and consolidation of private sector caused a sustained elevation national quality of life of the grassroots and the creation of a large middle class.

But in the "Lost Decade" (1978-1988) this process of social equality is first sealed and then begins to reverse: With Black Friday under the government of Luis Herrera starts the cycle of mega-devaluations and financial meltdowns, revealing that the rentier economic model and did not allow for more; Then the government of Jaime Lusinchi spent five years hiding the crisis rather than confront it. For its part, the economic elites spent that decade "scraping the pot" or dreaming of taking direct political power, after demolition of the parties. While all this was happening, the weight of the crisis fell on the poor. The economic downturn led to social unrest, and this in turn triggered political unrest, in the absence of proposals launched it, took to the streets to express a February 27, twenty years ago, in the form of violence and looting. At the outbreak continued repression, and soon reached the political stage the coup that opportunistically used both the looting and the subsequent repression to justify their lust for power, later revealed excessive ...
jumble of "notables" and coup ...
The rest is history: Between 1989 and 1993 the grudges of some and the shortsightedness of others joined hands to end, by palace coup, with a democratically elected. Then, between 1993 and 1998, instead of making changes which need was more than evident, the Caldera II pact with Alfaro Ucero to achieve what the final would be his only real goal: to survive. It was that way as the defeated coup in 1992 is transformed into triumphant elected president six years later. Since then twelve years have passed in which the poor of Venezuela have had many more reasons than those that protest 1989: passenger increases that today we, the cost and shortages of essential goods need, power abuse and corruption scandals pale today leave unpunished the injustices and abuses, alleged and real, the past. For pennies devalue the bolivar 1990, amid the progressive scheme called "Crawling Peg" to fire the country Pérez those who now applauded the mega-devaluation of 100% perpetrated by Chavez in January 2011. While Perez was arrested in 1993 and dismissed by sending 250 million Bolivars miserable the "secret" to Nicaragua, to strengthen the security of the democratic President Violeta Chamorro, now totaling billions of dollars of resources that this government has sent Cuba, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and Nicaragua itself, now ruled by an alcoholic ex-guerrilla.

NO "GOOD Massacres" and "massacres BAD" ...
Today, February 27, 2011, the same agent who tried to activate Plan Avila in April 2002 condemned to fiery speech that the plan has been activated in 1989, using military lethal force against civilians. himself "Commander President" today justifies the use of planes and tanks against unarmed Libyan people, slain by another dictator also Lieutenant Colonel Muammar Gaddafi called today "strongly condemned" the local slaughter of nearly a quarter century. No one should be surprised . That is the immorality of power, which in some cases as to raise the insanity that is "massacres good" and "massacres bad." We, Venezuelans who live and fight in the neighborhoods that we are against any war and slaughter all for reasons of principle and because we know that in these hassles the dead always put us remember with pain the victims of the massacres of the past and launched an alert to prevent the massacres of the future: Let's meet in Libya in the mirror and do not let there be "warlords" above the village, or "revolutions" over the Constitution, or "militias" party over the armed forces. And above all, keep in mind this warning of the Liberator Simón Bolívar: "Nothing is as dangerous as leaving long stay in the same city power. The people are accustomed to obeying him and he is accustomed to command, from which originates the usurpation and tyranny ... "

Many often ask, often and fear: "You who are in the neighborhoods, they believe they can produce a new February 27?". answer to this question thus: "Look around, that February 27 is happening, much worse and retail, every day in many places simultaneously. Just do not see why we have become accustomed to it ... ". So much so that many seem "normal" since the power pledging "death" to those who do not believe in a supposed "socialist country" so far only meant corruption, inefficiency and speeches. Precisely because we are in the neighborhood struggling to start a time equal and prosperity for all, solidarity, a time when the brother help brother, building together a new Venezuela. Palante!
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