We are not economists. you, we're reading now in Petare, Catia, in Caricuao, in Valles del Tuy, Guarenas-Guatire shaft or any other of the neighborhoods where the newspaper La Voz is sold like hotcakes and 4X4 arrives where this blog regularly, very it probably does not. But it does not take an economist to understand what is happening in our country.

in the grip of "Comrade" LENDER
of every two people, one has a job and the other survives "moonlighting "informal. Last week we wrote about half of the population, surviving in the informal economy, has turned neighborhoods into hotbeds of entrepreneurship, in spring of popular private property. We now turn to that half of the population that if you have any formal employment, although precarious.
Of these, almost all (eight out of ten) barely make minimum wage. That's why most people working in private enterprise take care of your job but also manages to have at least one other job (the taxi driver who is also, the office worker who applies dyes, "dry hair" and acrylic nails done "at home", the lady in the morning in a firm and clear in the afternoons working in homes, in order ...). But if you get in a government office thing is even worse: Any public office looks like a free market. Everyone sells everything from fancy clothes and gold filled ", underwear, swimwear and beauty products catalog, to" executive menu "to meet at noon. He who does not sell anything raffles or manages to organize a "san." This is not now, but forever. Just before the public employees did for "rounded" the salary and today they are to survive, trying desperately to get to fifteen or to last. Unfortunately, almost never do. That is why in payday hallways and around the ministries and other public offices are the realm of a grim figures, the lenders, who charge interest to a thousand times more expensive than banks.
Both those self-employed to obtain low-income usually can be achieved in the informal sector, as those who perform miracles to survive on the minimum wage paid to increasingly precarious formal jobs, we face to a country where prices seem a horror movie: If early 90's you could with 140 thousand Bolivars buy a car, a ranch or give as initial for a house today with this money you just can buy a package of disposable diapers (if you get the diapers, of course). Today a kilo of pepper costs more than a kilo of meat. Get milk, at whatever price, it is very difficult.
Both those self-employed to obtain low-income usually can be achieved in the informal sector, as those who perform miracles to survive on the minimum wage paid to increasingly precarious formal jobs, we face to a country where prices seem a horror movie: If early 90's you could with 140 thousand Bolivars buy a car, a ranch or give as initial for a house today with this money you just can buy a package of disposable diapers (if you get the diapers, of course). Today a kilo of pepper costs more than a kilo of meat. Get milk, at whatever price, it is very difficult.
Until a few decades yet the dream of every inhabitant of the neighborhood was to work hard, save what could, get the Chamos study and obtained a degree, eventually moving to a middle class area. That used to be achieved within the span of one generation, ie about 25 years. was how families living in rural huts with walls of adobe and thatched roofs, went to live in urban farms, with wooden walls and zinc roofs. And Ranches Urban went to live in apartments built by the state through the so-called "Workers' Bank, today INAVI. From there people in popular neighborhoods such as Caricuao, January 23, Pinto Salinas or Paul VI succeeded then residing in places like Paradise, Bello Monte, El Llanito or Macaracuay. Today, after the mega-devaluations has been our currency, any apartment in a residential area of \u200b\u200bGuatire, for example, can cost 1200 million or more Bs. Leave the neighborhood, then, is for the poor today impossible. why parents of the districts are concentrated on trying to prevent the thugs will kill their children every weekend, and trying to prevent the next rainy season would make them homeless, or dead. That is what our will, today, life in the neighborhoods, tore out his body with bullets, and landslides.
The one just ended was a week of anniversaries: 12 years were met February 2, 1999, when Hugo Chavez took office for the first time President of the Republic. It also met 19 years from February 4, 1992, when Hugo Chavez appeared as a political figure at the price of more than a hundred dead, victims of that failed, bloody coup. Let the political "celebrate" anniversaries, if there is something to celebrate. We invite our readers to neighborhoods that everyone check their own anniversary.
Indeed, the issue is not whether Chavez is good or bad, or if the opposition served or not served. The real point is the existence of each person. May each of us think about your own life and family, remove their accounts and responded: "Today I live better than 19 years ago? Are there fewer thugs in my neighborhood today than 12 years ago? Is there more work and better paid than before? Are we now at least the possibility of moving towards a better life in a better place, or are we resigned to accept the consolation that we put in the middle of the neighborhood, in the midst of risk, in the midst of misery, a "neighborhood in module "or" power house "as a sort of" consolation prize "?
That is the question: Are we today closer to escape poverty, or are "Conformity" with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a government that makes poverty "livable" as the story that the "shelter worthy" when in fact it is really worth owning a home, no refuge? Let everyone take their own, honestly. And if you like what you see, well, this will continue like this, everyone is entitled to his opinion and that it be respected. And hopefully get mattress in the shelter, when I touch ...
But if you evaluate what has happened to his life in the last 12, 19, and does not like what you see, not like that in a rich country like ours, their opportunities are dwindling Does not like that while in power tell us that "being rich is bad" you see these gentlemen and ladies of the government getting richer and the family of an increasingly impoverished. If you are someone who sees that and is willing to fight for change, then count on us.
The one just ended was a week of anniversaries: 12 years were met February 2, 1999, when Hugo Chavez took office for the first time President of the Republic. It also met 19 years from February 4, 1992, when Hugo Chavez appeared as a political figure at the price of more than a hundred dead, victims of that failed, bloody coup. Let the political "celebrate" anniversaries, if there is something to celebrate. We invite our readers to neighborhoods that everyone check their own anniversary.
Indeed, the issue is not whether Chavez is good or bad, or if the opposition served or not served. The real point is the existence of each person. May each of us think about your own life and family, remove their accounts and responded: "Today I live better than 19 years ago? Are there fewer thugs in my neighborhood today than 12 years ago? Is there more work and better paid than before? Are we now at least the possibility of moving towards a better life in a better place, or are we resigned to accept the consolation that we put in the middle of the neighborhood, in the midst of risk, in the midst of misery, a "neighborhood in module "or" power house "as a sort of" consolation prize "?

That is the question: Are we today closer to escape poverty, or are "Conformity" with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a government that makes poverty "livable" as the story that the "shelter worthy" when in fact it is really worth owning a home, no refuge? Let everyone take their own, honestly. And if you like what you see, well, this will continue like this, everyone is entitled to his opinion and that it be respected. And hopefully get mattress in the shelter, when I touch ...
But if you evaluate what has happened to his life in the last 12, 19, and does not like what you see, not like that in a rich country like ours, their opportunities are dwindling Does not like that while in power tell us that "being rich is bad" you see these gentlemen and ladies of the government getting richer and the family of an increasingly impoverished. If you are someone who sees that and is willing to fight for change, then count on us.
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