The proposal to build two million homes in six years is' worse than itself, " is" house "pure perversion that unsuccessfully sought to" never "solve the housing problem without addressing little before the drama of the house precarious. Total housing deficit, now estimated at 2.5 million households that need housing are approximately 1.7 million households in houses whose construction and the built environment need to be optimized to significantly improve the quality of life of citizens . That's what you want the slum clearance policy, which aims to convert these popular condo slums. The neighborhood empowerment programs have proven their efficiency and relevance. His protagonists are themselves organized communities that are not only "labor" but run and run resources. This social vision of the problem of housing not only drastically reduces the demand for new housing, making it manageable, but also allows the construction of the city and citizenship, while generating employment and economic activation. FOR ALL YOU DO NOT SERVE THIS CONCEPT OF SOCIAL HOUSING IS PROBLEM FOR patronage and corruption, as those who operate "checkbook" are not bureaucrats but people organized, the people empowered. must be why, once again, the executions of today contradicted Chavez hopes that inspired many of Chavez's speech yesterday.

is not with "numerology" but struggling without demagogy with the people as it does vindicate the constitutional right to housing and expose the corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy ...
The issue is not only demonstrate, by figures, the government's inability to meet its new promise. To prove their disability is handled by the same government every day. What this country is waiting for the signal to IF THAT IS THE WAY to deal with this drama. road which we believe has five segments: Construction urgent sanitary and decent shelter, removable structures that serve as temporary housing to disaster victims and citizens in extreme poverty, massive Enabling neighborhoods that exist today, performing the engineering work necessary to manage the hydraulic and geological risk, replacing the homes at risk, optimizing the others and significantly improve service provision Basic, with special emphasis on internal and external roads; Design and implement progressive programs to address housing neighborhoods are born , surpassing the historical problem of invasions, loteando land, providing the space for roads and services, giving each piece of kitchen-bathroom unit and every family of the plans necessary to grow housing grows smoothly to the economic capacity of its inhabitants; build (and promote the massive construction) of rental housing, within a coherent plan of urban renewal and recovery of space, unlike the present anarchy of expropriations compulsive parking, lots and land without even the project than there would have to do; And finally, make a strong partnership between government, construction companies, real estate and financial sector, to ensure that the population if it can cancel a home other than social interest is served correctly.
The issue is not only demonstrate, by figures, the government's inability to meet its new promise. To prove their disability is handled by the same government every day. What this country is waiting for the signal to IF THAT IS THE WAY to deal with this drama. road which we believe has five segments: Construction urgent sanitary and decent shelter, removable structures that serve as temporary housing to disaster victims and citizens in extreme poverty, massive Enabling neighborhoods that exist today, performing the engineering work necessary to manage the hydraulic and geological risk, replacing the homes at risk, optimizing the others and significantly improve service provision Basic, with special emphasis on internal and external roads; Design and implement progressive programs to address housing neighborhoods are born , surpassing the historical problem of invasions, loteando land, providing the space for roads and services, giving each piece of kitchen-bathroom unit and every family of the plans necessary to grow housing grows smoothly to the economic capacity of its inhabitants; build (and promote the massive construction) of rental housing, within a coherent plan of urban renewal and recovery of space, unlike the present anarchy of expropriations compulsive parking, lots and land without even the project than there would have to do; And finally, make a strong partnership between government, construction companies, real estate and financial sector, to ensure that the population if it can cancel a home other than social interest is served correctly.

......, J
This is a STATE POLICY to address the housing problem, based on social partnership in which each reinforces the other actor. This is what the government does, and what the opposition proposes: To show the country a clear path sustainable in economic terms, relevant from the standpoint of social and feasible from a political standpoint, reasonable time to resolve the drama of the house. With such a policy which we state, Venezuela can overcome this national shame in ten years. But for that we need a government that governs with the country, not against it, and an opposition that not only "objects", but also proposed. And that both (by today's government and opposition can be tomorrow, by today's opposition and tomorrow may be the government) have the responsibility and maturity necessary to assume that they must be understood, agreed, agreeing, for sustainable over time an effort like the one proposed, otherwise it will be clear that the objective is just about staying in power for power's sake, and that the purpose of others is just a "take off your to get me."
This is a STATE POLICY to address the housing problem, based on social partnership in which each reinforces the other actor. This is what the government does, and what the opposition proposes: To show the country a clear path sustainable in economic terms, relevant from the standpoint of social and feasible from a political standpoint, reasonable time to resolve the drama of the house. With such a policy which we state, Venezuela can overcome this national shame in ten years. But for that we need a government that governs with the country, not against it, and an opposition that not only "objects", but also proposed. And that both (by today's government and opposition can be tomorrow, by today's opposition and tomorrow may be the government) have the responsibility and maturity necessary to assume that they must be understood, agreed, agreeing, for sustainable over time an effort like the one proposed, otherwise it will be clear that the objective is just about staying in power for power's sake, and that the purpose of others is just a "take off your to get me."

terms and the 80's when he came into our hands a little book, written by a then little-known English teacher. The book is called "Ethics, Rhetoric and Politics" and it author, Victoria Camps, developing a challenging thesis: While the practical requirements, the policy, often leaving behind the general truths of ethics, that no excuse for the policy is delivered to pragmatism. By contrast, raises Camps, you can bring ethics and practice, principles redefine more adapted to the circumstances so that the actions on them continue to take principled references instead of using the logical gap between principles and realities as a passport to cynicism. All this came to mind when we saw the government blatantly lying by offering to build in the next six years seven times more homes than they could build on the previous 12 years. Why such contempt for the intelligence of the people, because that game insensitive to our needs and our pain? Discuss demagoguery is just scratching the surface of the problem. The bottom line is the total divorce between ethics and politics in a government that only ideological labels used to mask the only "Project" really encouraged: to enjoy the privileges of power for as long as possible with impunity possible. And so called "revolution." Solving the housing problem (which governments prior to 1998 did not solve, and that the Chavez government widened to the unthinkable) involves doing different things to get different results. To begin, we must promote the meeting of the ethics and policy. And that will lead us to design, implement and evaluate public policies decent and useful, as it is now housing dare we suggest, from our humble experience of social activists in poor neighborhoods.
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