When President Chávez visited the shelter last December, The Citadel, located in the sector headquarters Urdaneta, Catia, could be seen through the TV screens Venezuelan citizen encounter with a victim . The man was, as President, born in Sabaneta de Barinas. After exchanging nostalgic about the common homeland, the president asked "And you are doing here in Caracas, where you work?". "I'm unemployed, Mr. President," was the reply . "And what did you do before becoming unemployed, in which E plays? To see, then, if we can help ... " Chávez insisted. "I was a receptionist at a hotel," said the aforementioned . After this response, the President quickly changed the subject, dismissed his countryman and turned the page, talking about something else with other people ...
The conduct of the President could look "casual" but it was not: actually, since 2 December the government took approximately 170 Hotels in Venezuela to solve "temporarily" the theme of the victims, severely impacting an industry that generates at least 500,000 direct jobs and indirect . According to industry spokesmen, three months into the emergency "Many hotels have had to cancel only the minimum wage to stand, the emergency decree is not known until they remain in force and are not close to other outputs solutions such as new special shelters for emergencies, which should be installed as promised, after nearly a quarter . "
Workers, managers, managers and hotel owners insist on highlighting its willingness to "collaborate and continue cooperation" in dealing with contingency, but warn of the need to "make sustainable solidarity" because "if not closed or went bankrupt we can help anyone. " Indeed, a working paper that circulates in Consetur and endorsed by many industry associations said that the 170 hotels is occupied an average of 50 compatriots affected by the establishment, for an approximate total of 8,500 citizens . "The occupation was made without taking into account the operational capability of each hotel, leaving more than a completely inoperative, as were occupied by up to 80%. " But the contribution of workers and owners of the sector goes beyond providing rooms "To facilitate the retention of homeless people without riots or disturbances, hotels of different categories, from 1 to 5 stars, in many cases are giving support three meals a day due to lack of coordination of the delivery of supplies by the authorities, and the support given in toiletries and lingerie ", mentioned in said paper work.
"Help us to continue to help!"
Such a contribution is clearly an economic dimension: "Using a weighted average between rooms of different categories from one to five stars, the cost of care supportive to each refugee in a hotel is approximately 100 Bs.F.. This allows us to estimate the total contribution of the sector in Buenos F 850,000.00 per day, which in turn places the monthly cost of this assistance in Bs.F. 25,500,000.00 To date and after two months of assistance, disbursement has been approximately Bs F. 51,000,000.00 "accurate Consetur spokesman who had access, and adds that the worst thing is that this difficult situation is time horizon:" Nobody is clear how to offset these costs and no information on what date our facilities will return to productive operation. There has been no official word of solidarity with the sector, or regulation on the part of the governing body to allow Mintur know what will happen with new emergencies. "
"We have been decidedly solidarity with our compatriots in distress, so we worked with the government even when such support has been requested so rude and authoritarian, as was the case with many hotels visited by officials of the Libertador Municipality "a hotel worker told us that, like all other sources, asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals reserve, in this sector could include expropriation or even invasions, ie the elimination of their jobs: "At the hotels we had to address first our own colleagues who were affected, then all the brought government. And we want to continue helping. But they have to help us help you ... "
If not treated the call of workers and employers in the hotel industry, the victims (caused by the rains because Official unpredictability) will continue adding the socio-economic victims generated by the chaotic management of the contingency. And if so, the President will continue to find in his campaign events with more and more unemployed people in the hotel industry, as it happened that December afternoon, back at headquarters Urdaneta, Catia. So we say: President, if it does for people, then do it for your campaign, we know you care so much. Provide decent housing for the 8,500 compatriots that his government "left forgotten" in hotels, and prevent half a million Venezuelans to lose their jobs!
Such a contribution is clearly an economic dimension: "Using a weighted average between rooms of different categories from one to five stars, the cost of care supportive to each refugee in a hotel is approximately 100 Bs.F.. This allows us to estimate the total contribution of the sector in Buenos F 850,000.00 per day, which in turn places the monthly cost of this assistance in Bs.F. 25,500,000.00 To date and after two months of assistance, disbursement has been approximately Bs F. 51,000,000.00 "accurate Consetur spokesman who had access, and adds that the worst thing is that this difficult situation is time horizon:" Nobody is clear how to offset these costs and no information on what date our facilities will return to productive operation. There has been no official word of solidarity with the sector, or regulation on the part of the governing body to allow Mintur know what will happen with new emergencies. "
"We have been decidedly solidarity with our compatriots in distress, so we worked with the government even when such support has been requested so rude and authoritarian, as was the case with many hotels visited by officials of the Libertador Municipality "a hotel worker told us that, like all other sources, asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals reserve, in this sector could include expropriation or even invasions, ie the elimination of their jobs: "At the hotels we had to address first our own colleagues who were affected, then all the brought government. And we want to continue helping. But they have to help us help you ... "

If not treated the call of workers and employers in the hotel industry, the victims (caused by the rains because Official unpredictability) will continue adding the socio-economic victims generated by the chaotic management of the contingency. And if so, the President will continue to find in his campaign events with more and more unemployed people in the hotel industry, as it happened that December afternoon, back at headquarters Urdaneta, Catia. So we say: President, if it does for people, then do it for your campaign, we know you care so much. Provide decent housing for the 8,500 compatriots that his government "left forgotten" in hotels, and prevent half a million Venezuelans to lose their jobs!
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