Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wii Fit How Accurate Is The Calorie Counter

SLAUGHTER IN LIBYA has no moral authority to "condemn" THE SLAUGHTER OF ETHICS

In the 60 and 70 in Venezuela was possible, with work, thrift, hard work and study, moving from ranch to ranch rural village, from there to an apartment and there INAVI an apartment or middle class, after winning at least one son to become a college graduate. vertical mobility in society and horizontal mobility in the city was a realizable dream. This is called "puntofijismo" and speak evil of so-called "40 years", the democratic experiment launched in 1958 is the most formidable social inclusion process to remember the history Venezuela. The use of lever oil to finance the expansion of educational enrollment, infrastructure policy (including the construction of basic business Guayana), the substantial improvement in public health and state support for the emergence and consolidation of private sector caused a sustained elevation national quality of life of the grassroots and the creation of a large middle class.


But in the "Lost Decade" (1978-1988) this process of social equality is first sealed and then begins to reverse: With Black Friday under the government of Luis Herrera starts the cycle of mega-devaluations and financial meltdowns, revealing that the rentier economic model and did not allow for more; Then the government of Jaime Lusinchi spent five years hiding the crisis rather than confront it. For its part, the economic elites spent that decade "scraping the pot" or dreaming of taking direct political power, after demolition of the parties. While all this was happening, the weight of the crisis fell on the poor. The economic downturn led to social unrest, and this in turn triggered political unrest, in the absence of proposals launched it, took to the streets to express a February 27, twenty years ago, in the form of violence and looting. At the outbreak continued repression, and soon reached the political stage the coup that opportunistically used both the looting and the subsequent repression to justify their lust for power, later revealed excessive ...

jumble of "notables" and coup ...

The rest is history: Between 1989 and 1993 the grudges of some and the shortsightedness of others joined hands to end, by palace coup, with a democratically elected. Then, between 1993 and 1998, instead of making changes which need was more than evident, the Caldera II pact with Alfaro Ucero to achieve what the final would be his only real goal: to survive. It was that way as the defeated coup in 1992 is transformed into triumphant elected president six years later. Since then twelve years have passed in which the poor of Venezuela have had many more reasons than those that protest 1989: passenger increases that today we, the cost and shortages of essential goods need, power abuse and corruption scandals pale today leave unpunished the injustices and abuses, alleged and real, the past. For pennies devalue the bolivar 1990, amid the progressive scheme called "Crawling Peg" to fire the country Pérez those who now applauded the mega-devaluation of 100% perpetrated by Chavez in January 2011. While Perez was arrested in 1993 and dismissed by sending 250 million Bolivars miserable the "secret" to Nicaragua, to strengthen the security of the democratic President Violeta Chamorro, now totaling billions of dollars of resources that this government has sent Cuba, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and Nicaragua itself, now ruled by an alcoholic ex-guerrilla.

NO "GOOD Massacres" and "massacres BAD" ...

Today, February 27, 2011, the same agent who tried to activate Plan Avila in April 2002 condemned to fiery speech that the plan has been activated in 1989, using military lethal force against civilians. himself "Commander President" today justifies the use of planes and tanks against unarmed Libyan people, slain by another dictator also Lieutenant Colonel Muammar Gaddafi called today "strongly condemned" the local slaughter of nearly a quarter century. No one should be surprised . That is the immorality of power, which in some cases as to raise the insanity that is "massacres good" and "massacres bad." We, Venezuelans who live and fight in the neighborhoods that we are against any war and slaughter all for reasons of principle and because we know that in these hassles the dead always put us remember with pain the victims of the massacres of the past and launched an alert to prevent the massacres of the future: Let's meet in Libya in the mirror and do not let there be "warlords" above the village, or "revolutions" over the Constitution, or "militias" party over the armed forces. And above all, keep in mind this warning of the Liberator Simón Bolívar: "Nothing is as dangerous as leaving long stay in the same city power. The people are accustomed to obeying him and he is accustomed to command, from which originates the usurpation and tyranny ... "


Many often ask, often and fear: "You who are in the neighborhoods, they believe they can produce a new February 27?". answer to this question thus: "Look around, that February 27 is happening, much worse and retail, every day in many places simultaneously. Just do not see why we have become accustomed to it ... ". So much so that many seem "normal" since the power pledging "death" to those who do not believe in a supposed "socialist country" so far only meant corruption, inefficiency and speeches. Precisely because we are in the neighborhood struggling to start a time equal and prosperity for all, solidarity, a time when the brother help brother, building together a new Venezuela. Palante!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pendulum Clock G=1.63


Homes "New Catuche" decent apartments built by the people themselves where before there had huts swept away by the stream, all done within the framework of a slum clearance program that could do despite the national government, not because of it ...
The proposal to build two million homes in six years is' worse than itself, " is" house "pure perversion that unsuccessfully sought to" never "solve the housing problem without addressing little before the drama of the house precarious. Total housing deficit, now estimated at 2.5 million households that need housing are approximately 1.7 million households in houses whose construction and the built environment need to be optimized to significantly improve the quality of life of citizens . That's what you want the slum clearance policy, which aims to convert these popular condo slums. The neighborhood empowerment programs have proven their efficiency and relevance. His protagonists are themselves organized communities that are not only "labor" but run and run resources. This social vision of the problem of housing not only drastically reduces the demand for new housing, making it manageable, but also allows the construction of the city and citizenship, while generating employment and economic activation. FOR ALL YOU DO NOT SERVE THIS CONCEPT OF SOCIAL HOUSING IS PROBLEM FOR patronage and corruption, as those who operate "checkbook" are not bureaucrats but people organized, the people empowered. must be why, once again, the executions of today contradicted Chavez hopes that inspired many of Chavez's speech yesterday.

is not with "numerology" but struggling without demagogy with the people as it does vindicate the constitutional right to housing and expose the corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy ...


The issue is not only demonstrate, by figures, the government's inability to meet its new promise. To prove their disability is handled by the same government every day. What this country is waiting for the signal to IF THAT IS THE WAY to deal with this drama. road which we believe has five segments: Construction urgent sanitary and decent shelter, removable structures that serve as temporary housing to disaster victims and citizens in extreme poverty, massive Enabling neighborhoods that exist today, performing the engineering work necessary to manage the hydraulic and geological risk, replacing the homes at risk, optimizing the others and significantly improve service provision Basic, with special emphasis on internal and external roads; Design and implement progressive programs to address housing neighborhoods are born , surpassing the historical problem of invasions, loteando land, providing the space for roads and services, giving each piece of kitchen-bathroom unit and every family of the plans necessary to grow housing grows smoothly to the economic capacity of its inhabitants; build (and promote the massive construction) of rental housing, within a coherent plan of urban renewal and recovery of space, unlike the present anarchy of expropriations compulsive parking, lots and land without even the project than there would have to do; And finally, make a strong partnership between government, construction companies, real estate and financial sector, to ensure that the population if it can cancel a home other than social interest is served correctly.

Neighbors Chavez, opposition and independent, facing together the real estate scam ... government! Marapa sector-Piache, Vargas State
......, J
This is a STATE POLICY to address the housing problem, based on social partnership in which each reinforces the other actor. This is what the government does, and what the opposition proposes: To show the country a clear path sustainable in economic terms, relevant from the standpoint of social and feasible from a political standpoint, reasonable time to resolve the drama of the house. With such a policy which we state, Venezuela can overcome this national shame in ten years. But for that we need a government that governs with the country, not against it, and an opposition that not only "objects", but also proposed. And that both (by today's government and opposition can be tomorrow, by today's opposition and tomorrow may be the government) have the responsibility and maturity necessary to assume that they must be understood, agreed, agreeing, for sustainable over time an effort like the one proposed, otherwise it will be clear that the objective is just about staying in power for power's sake, and that the purpose of others is just a "take off your to get me."


terms and the 80's when he came into our hands a little book, written by a then little-known English teacher. The book is called "Ethics, Rhetoric and Politics" and it author, Victoria Camps, developing a challenging thesis: While the practical requirements, the policy, often leaving behind the general truths of ethics, that no excuse for the policy is delivered to pragmatism. By contrast, raises Camps, you can bring ethics and practice, principles redefine more adapted to the circumstances so that the actions on them continue to take principled references instead of using the logical gap between principles and realities as a passport to cynicism. All this came to mind when we saw the government blatantly lying by offering to build in the next six years seven times more homes than they could build on the previous 12 years. Why such contempt for the intelligence of the people, because that game insensitive to our needs and our pain? Discuss demagoguery is just scratching the surface of the problem. The bottom line is the total divorce between ethics and politics in a government that only ideological labels used to mask the only "Project" really encouraged: to enjoy the privileges of power for as long as possible with impunity possible. And so called "revolution." Solving the housing problem (which governments prior to 1998 did not solve, and that the Chavez government widened to the unthinkable) involves doing different things to get different results. To begin, we must promote the meeting of the ethics and policy. And that will lead us to design, implement and evaluate public policies decent and useful, as it is now housing dare we suggest, from our humble experience of social activists in poor neighborhoods.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jenna Jameson Full Movie Stream


When President Chávez visited the shelter last December, The Citadel, located in the sector headquarters Urdaneta, Catia, could be seen through the TV screens Venezuelan citizen encounter with a victim . The man was, as President, born in Sabaneta de Barinas. After exchanging nostalgic about the common homeland, the president asked "And you are doing here in Caracas, where you work?". "I'm unemployed, Mr. President," was the reply . "And what did you do before becoming unemployed, in which E plays? To see, then, if we can help ... " Chávez insisted. "I was a receptionist at a hotel," said the aforementioned . After this response, the President quickly changed the subject, dismissed his countryman and turned the page, talking about something else with other people ...


The conduct of the President could look "casual" but it was not: actually, since 2 December the government took approximately 170 Hotels in Venezuela to solve "temporarily" the theme of the victims, severely impacting an industry that generates at least 500,000 direct jobs and indirect . According to industry spokesmen, three months into the emergency "Many hotels have had to cancel only the minimum wage to stand, the emergency decree is not known until they remain in force and are not close to other outputs solutions such as new special shelters for emergencies, which should be installed as promised, after nearly a quarter . "

Workers, managers, managers and hotel owners insist on highlighting its willingness to "collaborate and continue cooperation" in dealing with contingency, but warn of the need to "make sustainable solidarity" because "if not closed or went bankrupt we can help anyone. " Indeed, a working paper that circulates in Consetur and endorsed by many industry associations said that the 170 hotels is occupied an average of 50 compatriots affected by the establishment, for an approximate total of 8,500 citizens . "The occupation was made without taking into account the operational capability of each hotel, leaving more than a completely inoperative, as were occupied by up to 80%. " But the contribution of workers and owners of the sector goes beyond providing rooms "To facilitate the retention of homeless people without riots or disturbances, hotels of different categories, from 1 to 5 stars, in many cases are giving support three meals a day due to lack of coordination of the delivery of supplies by the authorities, and the support given in toiletries and lingerie ", mentioned in said paper work.

"Help us to continue to help!"

Such a contribution is clearly an economic dimension: "Using a weighted average between rooms of different categories from one to five stars, the cost of care supportive to each refugee in a hotel is approximately 100 Bs.F.. This allows us to estimate the total contribution of the sector in Buenos F 850,000.00 per day, which in turn places the monthly cost of this assistance in Bs.F. 25,500,000.00 To date and after two months of assistance, disbursement has been approximately Bs F. 51,000,000.00 "accurate Consetur spokesman who had access, and adds that the worst thing is that this difficult situation is time horizon:" Nobody is clear how to offset these costs and no information on what date our facilities will return to productive operation. There has been no official word of solidarity with the sector, or regulation on the part of the governing body to allow Mintur know what will happen with new emergencies. "

"We have been decidedly solidarity with our compatriots in distress, so we worked with the government even when such support has been requested so rude and authoritarian, as was the case with many hotels visited by officials of the Libertador Municipality "a hotel worker told us that, like all other sources, asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals reserve, in this sector could include expropriation or even invasions, ie the elimination of their jobs: "At the hotels we had to address first our own colleagues who were affected, then all the brought government. And we want to continue helping. But they have to help us help you ... "


If not treated the call of workers and employers in the hotel industry, the victims (caused by the rains because Official unpredictability) will continue adding the socio-economic victims generated by the chaotic management of the contingency. And if so, the President will continue to find in his campaign events with more and more unemployed people in the hotel industry, as it happened that December afternoon, back at headquarters Urdaneta, Catia. So we say: President, if it does for people, then do it for your campaign, we know you care so much. Provide decent housing for the 8,500 compatriots that his government "left forgotten" in hotels, and prevent half a million Venezuelans to lose their jobs!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oil Rubbed Bronze Ceiling Mount Shower

tore out his February OTHER BODY AND LANDSLIDES

We are not economists. you, we're reading now in Petare, Catia, in Caricuao, in Valles del Tuy, Guarenas-Guatire shaft or any other of the neighborhoods where the newspaper La Voz is sold like hotcakes and 4X4 arrives where this blog regularly, very it probably does not. But it does not take an economist to understand what is happening in our country.

in the grip of "Comrade" LENDER

of every two people, one has a job and the other survives "moonlighting "informal. Last week we wrote about half of the population, surviving in the informal economy, has turned neighborhoods into hotbeds of entrepreneurship, in spring of popular private property. We now turn to that half of the population that if you have any formal employment, although precarious.

Of these, almost all (eight out of ten) barely make minimum wage. That's why most people working in private enterprise take care of your job but also manages to have at least one other job (the taxi driver who is also, the office worker who applies dyes, "dry hair" and acrylic nails done "at home", the lady in the morning in a firm and clear in the afternoons working in homes, in order ...). But if you get in a government office thing is even worse: Any public office looks like a free market. Everyone sells everything from fancy clothes and gold filled ", underwear, swimwear and beauty products catalog, to" executive menu "to meet at noon. He who does not sell anything raffles or manages to organize a "san." This is not now, but forever. Just before the public employees did for "rounded" the salary and today they are to survive, trying desperately to get to fifteen or to last. Unfortunately, almost never do. That is why in payday hallways and around the ministries and other public offices are the realm of a grim figures, the lenders, who charge interest to a thousand times more expensive than banks.


Both those self-employed to obtain low-income usually can be achieved in the informal sector, as those who perform miracles to survive on the minimum wage paid to increasingly precarious formal jobs, we face to a country where prices seem a horror movie: If early 90's you could with 140 thousand Bolivars buy a car, a ranch or give as initial for a house today with this money you just can buy a package of disposable diapers (if you get the diapers, of course). Today a kilo of pepper costs more than a kilo of meat. Get milk, at whatever price, it is very difficult.


Until a few decades yet the dream of every inhabitant of the neighborhood was to work hard, save what could, get the Chamos study and obtained a degree, eventually moving to a middle class area. That used to be achieved within the span of one generation, ie about 25 years. was how families living in rural huts with walls of adobe and thatched roofs, went to live in urban farms, with wooden walls and zinc roofs. And Ranches Urban went to live in apartments built by the state through the so-called "Workers' Bank, today INAVI. From there people in popular neighborhoods such as Caricuao, January 23, Pinto Salinas or Paul VI succeeded then residing in places like Paradise, Bello Monte, El Llanito or Macaracuay. Today, after the mega-devaluations has been our currency, any apartment in a residential area of \u200b\u200bGuatire, for example, can cost 1200 million or more Bs. Leave the neighborhood, then, is for the poor today impossible. why parents of the districts are concentrated on trying to prevent the thugs will kill their children every weekend, and trying to prevent the next rainy season would make them homeless, or dead. That is what our will, today, life in the neighborhoods, tore out his body with bullets, and landslides.


The one just ended was a week of anniversaries: 12 years were met February 2, 1999, when Hugo Chavez took office for the first time President of the Republic. It also met 19 years from February 4, 1992, when Hugo Chavez appeared as a political figure at the price of more than a hundred dead, victims of that failed, bloody coup. Let the political "celebrate" anniversaries, if there is something to celebrate. We invite our readers to neighborhoods that everyone check their own anniversary.

Indeed, the issue is not whether Chavez is good or bad, or if the opposition served or not served. The real point is the existence of each person. May each of us think about your own life and family, remove their accounts and responded: "Today I live better than 19 years ago? Are there fewer thugs in my neighborhood today than 12 years ago? Is there more work and better paid than before? Are we now at least the possibility of moving towards a better life in a better place, or are we resigned to accept the consolation that we put in the middle of the neighborhood, in the midst of risk, in the midst of misery, a "neighborhood in module "or" power house "as a sort of" consolation prize "?

That is the question: Are we today closer to escape poverty, or are "Conformity" with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a government that makes poverty "livable" as the story that the "shelter worthy" when in fact it is really worth owning a home, no refuge? Let everyone take their own, honestly. And if you like what you see, well, this will continue like this, everyone is entitled to his opinion and that it be respected. And hopefully get mattress in the shelter, when I touch ...

But if you evaluate what has happened to his life in the last 12, 19, and does not like what you see, not like that in a rich country like ours, their opportunities are dwindling Does not like that while in power tell us that "being rich is bad" you see these gentlemen and ladies of the government getting richer and the family of an increasingly impoverished. If you are someone who sees that and is willing to fight for change, then count on us.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Do I Clean Mud Of Of My Suede Boots


These are the cupcakes I did in the course of Madrid , long ago I do not post photos of the courses that I will see if I make a special order not overwhelm all a lot ... well then that I made these with my students and I liked ... I hope you like you, are two long been calling for the cupcake shirt and the pig, pig here. The other two
cupcakes are a bear with bow tie and an elephant.

Well I leave you with the photos

Dates courses
fondant Sevilla: February 5
fondant cake
Cádiz: 12 February fondant cupcakes and cookies (both in one day)
Cádiz: February 19
fondant cake

Soon : A Coruña, Madrid, Cordoba, Estepona ....
For more information and complete new courses in contact