Due to the commitment he acquired not only the Workshop THE CAVERN but the PEI project with the School Workshop Bogota a nonprofit organization that trains free of charge to youth at oficiostradicionales vulnerability having to do with the preservation of cultural heritage of the city, was the invitation to collaborate with design ideas for the School RESTAURANT Workshop is to build with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving their own income to assume the operating expenses of the workshop and likewise to serve as practice space for school learners.
Within the requirements made by the Design School for the environment of the restaurant were from objects, through architectural elements to developing a strategy for the sale of objects produced by students from each of the different workshops offered school.
From room dividers and the proposition of different environments within the heritage conservation property to be restored by students in workshops construction and carpentry, to the preparation of dishes, flatware, saucers, furniture and all other elements that a restaurant should have.
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