Given that the planning and forecasting of the city is fundamental in its development, you must create a specific prospective of what will be the city of Bogotá at least 30 years.
Bogotá participate and have a specific function in the global economy, which is considered a global city with an index representing the dynamic international . That is, count with spaces is technology, information and marketing of global production.
Therefore, the city must be inside with infrastructure to meet the needs d and its inhabitants so that they themselves generate higher production rates to be reflected in a self-sustaining city.
If we reach the stage previously raised to Bogota to become a future event, one must begin with the constraints we currently generates the city and s say it is happening now and how is being designed to meet the daily changes that are generated not only at home but his time in the world.
Viewing the city from a macro level we can say:
- According to the indexes of global cities, which studied the city from its economic activity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience and political commitment, Bogota is position number 43 out of 60 countries, including New York, London and Paris took the top 3 spots respectively. In relation to Latin American Sao Paulo is in the post 31 and may be leading Latin cities in Rankin. Talking about the position of Bogota in this Rankin becomes important because although the cities in recent posts such as the Capital, are characterized by dependence on its neighbors and contexts rather than a reciprocal relationship with them, if have a starting point and comparative information regarding other countries that are currently considered highly important global countries worldwide.
- Taking into account that competitiveness is an important tool in generating global dynamics for the betterment of the city, Bogotá is potentiating through the years, but not in a representative at a global level, if a particular way within the continental level, as shown in a study by the Bogota Chamber of Commerce in 2006, which is presented city \u200b\u200bin a medium or even low compared to other mainland cities such as Buenos Aires and Santiago. However, the city is advanced and a review conducted in 2007 on the Roster of Best Cities for Doing Business in Latin America, shows Bogotá winning positions in the first place, for seven consecutive years, compared with other capitals Andean Region. In the same study in 2007, according the perception of the Latin American executives on the cities that best combine business potential and professional development, Bogotá ranked fourth among the 42 best cities in Latin America.
Viewing the city from a meso-scale ie for the country:
become necessary figures that show the relevance and role of Bogota when building and designing country.
- The city accounts for 16% of the total population. His contribution to the nation's annual growth is 20% which means that the Colombian population grows in about a year 524,000 people, of which around 104,000 are in Bogota. If Colombia grows mainly to an average annual rate of 1.19% from 2005 to 2010 bogota does at a rate of 1.48%, which exceeds the national average.
- Bogotá is above the other cities in Colombia, the most productive in the country and the region thanks to its high concentration of human capital, from all parts of the country . Has important financial and industrial centers with a high level of foreign direct investment. This condition is reflected in Bogotá taxed approximately 50% of national income has nearly 100,000 manufacturing companies in all sectors, and approximately 52% of the country's foreign investment is concentrated there. Therefore Bogotá and its surroundings form the main focus country's export businesses located there by 24% of total national exports ..
"According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, in the year 2007 in Bogotá and Cundinamarca there are 114 higher education institutions, representing 41% of the national total. In 2006 the region provided higher education 2350.
According to the Observatory for Education Education, nearly 50% of graduates nationwide in 2006 put Bogotá, which is an increasing trend in recent years.
The above figures even show the importance of Bogotá towards the country and what it has to offer, while generating a concern based on the supersaturation of activities at one point in the country, without support more truly representative and consolidated through the Colombian territory, so that generates excessive growth of the city in search of opportunities, ie that although Colombia has an area of \u200b\u200b 1,141,748 km and should have a density of 38 inhabitants / km 2 over its territory, Bogota only 1,587 km ² and is home to 6,776,009 inhabitants a density of 4270 inhabitants per km2.
Viewing the city from a micro scale:
can be perceived in a more tangible and quantifiable problems and gaps in coverage capital:
- l to official educational infrastructure of the city not only has an educational demand and supply imbalance, but is also affected by lack of maintenance on their facilities, of a study of 706 institutions that reported main problems are:
19% (134 seats) is in critical condition,
40% (283 seats) in a position acceptable
31% (218 headquarters) in good condition and only
10% (71 seats) is in optimum condition.
Similarly, it was found that of 2,614 buildings valued at 772 present seismic vulnerability.
- Speaking of infrastructure health can be said to Bogotá if you have equipment that could potentially meet the needs of the current number of inhabitants, but the privatization of health and lack of investment for the maintenance of this sector are evident in figures same coverage for 2007 was benefited only 74.7% of the population, ie 5.5 million members, distributed in 3.8 million tax scheme members (69%), and 1.7 million subsidized (31%).
- Bogotá has made progress in recent 10 years in mobility with Transmilenio system connecting the city from north to south mainly but at the same time there are limitations to their service for only achieves a coverage of 12.7% of people mobilized in Bogotá , is that today if possible move in Bogota, but there is no system of public service console that connects the city in an organized and effective for its inhabitants , there has been a real stagnation in both stocks as strategies to improve this aspect of quality of life for residents of Bogota, who every day are most affected because of the little easier to get around the city and the condemnation of immobility of lower-income population.
In response to the lack of intermodal services and connective through the city's cars have increased in alarming numbers since 2000, creating more congestion in the city and also an environmental issue is very representative for the city , according DAMA air pollution sources mobile contributes about 70% primarily related to the growing number of private vehicles circulating in Bogotá.
From the above, the government, with help from the various ministries such as planning and trade, among others, have generated several views of the city that is worth mentioning:
The lack of political continuity in the country and the city, has been joined fragments each form of government which are reflected in segments of development in the city shortly continuous. An example of this is to change city vision that is generated every 4 years as a political slogan is encouraged to turn either ¨ by the country we dream, civic culture, Bogotá without hunger and Bogotá without indifference, positive Bogotá ¨ the city has to mold to each administrative hub itself without a proper and definitive that generates a continuous planning process.
- Increase 4 times the current value of imports.
- reduce unemployment to 7.5.
- Achieving sustained annual growth of 5%.
- attract more investment and strengthen the connectivity of the region.
- create opportunities for science and technology.
- Create educational quotas.
- build and provide suitable and worthy for student learning.
- Extension of infrastructure.
- public transport project the quality and efficiency.
- Optimizing Transmilenio.
- develop new mobility systems such as subways.
- Bogotá is currently the largest recipient of migrants, while Medellin and Cali to have reduced growth, but the document states that the factors of growth in countries like Colombia will not come as migrants, but birth rates within the cities themselves.
- By 2020 it is projected that the population of Bogotá will grow from 7 million to almost 9 million.
Putting into perspective the figures and indicators on all three scales worked and conceptual break between the projections and strategies currently available, we can say that the dynamics and urban change in Bogotá, such as the growing mobilization of people to the capital and its effect on population density, spatial privatization, lack of coverage and low maintenance in infrastructure services, the projection of a global competitive city but local and the great economic, social and administrative burden of the country's capital, are essential to question current city model.
CITY VISION why and for what?
According to the united nations "in 2008, the world reaches an invisible but momentous milestone: For the first time half the human population, 3.300 million people, live in urban areas . It is expected that by 2030 that number will reach nearly 5000 million. Of new urban dwellers, many were poor . Their future, the future of cities in developing countries, and the future of humanity itself, depends heavily on the decisions be taken immediately in anticipation of that growth. "
As mentioned earlier, the vision we have of Bogota is a global city, is an open system that actively participate in international and domestic dynamics. Having room where technology, information and marketing of global production.
Therefore, the city must be inside with infrastructure to meet the needs of its people to generate their own production rates higher than are reflected in a sustainable city.
To achieve this we must first raise a strategic way to reduce the drastic increase in the migrant population currently affecting the capital, as the basis of this concept emerge new support centers the capital to a regional and national not detract from the capital city, he removed great burden in terms of safety, health, education and infrastructure. Ie cities are looking potentiate low and medium range for the country, from infrastructure thereby creating opportunities not only in the center of the country but throughout the whole territory, an international airport in Flanders, internationally recognized university campuses in the cities of Bucaramanga and Villavicencio, hospitals with the latest technologies and Ibague Manizales .... Although large cities require much attention, small and medium-sized cities need a lot of planning because they would be in the coming decades major urban centers ¨ is best to plan what you are growing what is already a mega city ·
If Barranquilla is becoming a major recipient population and medium cities like Cartagena, Bucaramanga, Cucuta, Ibague, Manizales and Pereira, large cities will soon begin it is best to make possible and promote it from improving them as virtual offices and emerging capital , so that gradually likely to Bogota to deal not only globalization and production assets to Colombia but turn achieve timely response responsibilities in terms of quality of life of its inhabitants in terms of safety, health, education and infrastructure will be much higher.
Because there are so many variables in the improvement of Bogota today to achieve a future vision · Modern "," neat "," competitive "• and" organized ", it creates a complex system in which there are plenty of relationships but all this nonsense, or vision. In which the horizon becomes more important than another and instead to provide what they do is compete.
Bogotá has to be internationally competitive to generate income, education has to generate the citizens but also for hundreds of migrants arriving every day, you have to meet the needs of health and human services of its inhabitants and is currently being done, but it is the only city that will create opportunities for this all going to keep raising rates and quality of life of the city instead of improving it will be more difficult to maintain.
If you generate other centers that reduce the rate of growth, they can start thinking about strategies and tactics more specific the city, projecting into public policy in terms of its infrastructure, the renovation of Historically, the definition and establishment of and technological parks, the construction of business centers, leisure facilities, culture and recreation.
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