Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Collectible Duck Calls

emerging systems in architecture can be said to include all those phenomena that occur spontaneously in the city that otherwise are complex adaptive systems, the only truth of these systems is that they arise from human behavior as the first scale, scale which in turn increases depending on the needs of man in his habitat, we must stress that are unplanned behaviors that can arise from chaos but chaos in his own work as systems. As an example of an emergent system invasions are occurring in cities may be due to the need of any part of the population to seek a settlement.

words, emerging transformation of multiple individual actions of complexity spontaneously organize to give rise to behaviors according to needs, the agents work together to form changing but always in an organized manner. Hence, the state's role is to understand these clusters and thus to interpret the dynamic management of resources.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Where Can I Buy Northface Jackets In Texas?


Bogotá not only nationally but the same world and so the problem of social imbalance is a situation which gives rise to a series of problems such as violence, because from the time when the smallest generations do not have access to education, health, and provide opportunities empleoque the satisfaction of basic needs and therefore a notion of what the city and its development, the city will never be understood by its inhabitants, in terms of social dynamics far from urban.

will remain so, the city that is exclusionary and discriminating, it is important to address the issue because they live in society involves the understanding, adoption, and the toleration of all the dynamics that a proposed city is trying to make a critique a city or rather to a country that will continue in a cycle of violence reptitivo and intolerance result of an imbalance at the social level.

Jamie American Road Trip Episode 2 Watch Online

What Does A Mucus Plug Look Like In Pregnant Dogs

A recycling machine Wall paper for

The images show the result of a recycling machine paper to be reused and mixed with coconut fiber, resulting in a type of coating for walls.
This is to verify that we need to start re-shaping cycles for materials in which new technologies can be applied eventually to propose some kind of innovation.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Italy People Hair Eye Color

Tech - Art: The Texture of Light in Architecture

Why Is My Dog's Stool Slimy

Sense - Ability

Sense - Ability is the title of a proposal for the design of alternatives for people with disabilities on condition that involves: Media Pedagogy, Digital Prosthetics and Assistive Technology as response to social problems such as disability is under-treated especially in Latin America.

Wanted intersection between pedagogy, technology and disability, looking for ways to apply new technologies to the design of disability. Through networks to promote public health intervention projects based on the Internet to redefine processes for Máxivalidos.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Church Welcome Address Speech

What is the role of Architect in the Crisis?

Within the architect's role would be to understand the conflict as a tool for urban planning by radicalizing the local. What is radicalizing the local? First, to understand the territory they inhabited, in the case of the speaker was the border Tijuana - San Diego in Mexico and the U.S. respectively comprising 60 km of border and represents an urban laboratory with anthropological and social conditions where conflict.

The consumer society is responsible for the massive destruction of the ecological and topographical building the "mac mansions," the free and highways, military bases and shopping malls among others. Will that architecture has become a topic decor?
housing dynamics have changed in the U.S. because only think of pre-manufactured blocks to forget the mass construction of housing concepts sustainable and socially.

According to a boundary problem where urban systems have emerged on both sides of the border what is proposed is the design of economic policy processes and to propose physical spaces. From the San Diego side of that is from the United States, what is proposed is to return to the public, creating micro policies in neighborhoods, on the part of Tijuana, Mexico to convert more pixilation in areas that build on the waste all materials that come from the north to make a sustainable city and sustainable to provide more opportunities for the population, it must propose a social architecture and leaves style, to pilot projects, creating urban pedagogies and processes of public relations.

Where Is The Golden Vase In The Cave Poptropica

What is sustainability? Innovation and Complexity

was the first question that began the lecture by Carolina Cortez and to which I responded in the following five sentences:
Resources 1.Manejo
2. Use and Reuse Commodities
3. Organization
4. Competitiveness
5. Implementation

From question out some rather worrying figures, the United States in about an hour 1 million are thrown away plastic cups, used 60 000 plastic bags within 5 seconds, in Europe wasted 2 million plastic bottles in two minutes.
All this is only the result of a broken economic model, accelerated consumerism has not proposed a cycle for reuse but instead proposes a completely linear process for consumption, and therein lies the problem of wastage resources: not propose policies for the reuse of materials.

the above example is Easter Island (Chile) where the man and his thought and culture did nothing but devour the resources of the place in the time period in which lived, leaving almost dry and in-exsistente. That's what happens when no reuse cycle propose not to alter the planet's natural processes.

Removing Scratches From Patent

can not talk to innovate if they think causally. It was the first phrase that began the lecture by Carlos Maldonado.
not exist in the complex processes, everything is the product of the unpredictable results of thoughts is not linear, is part of the chaos and catastrophic turn generate sudden changes and irreversible.

The complexity is through systems, living systems that have this feature in no way be much less rigid and static, are likewise totally flexible systems and among others it represents the anti-hierarchy and the lack of centrality.

propose innovation from the complex involves a series of studies, first birth, starting from:
  1. Research Basic Research Experimental Research
Applied Innovation can not be taken from culture because it implies first and second subjectivity, processes, which in turn result in rankings.

arise two problems:
1. "Undecidable"
2. "Decide"

1. Such problems can not be solved algorithmically or even less time in space.
2. Divide into two problems are irrelevant and releventes latter can be solved analytically in an estimated time. But these are the last that does not produce any innovation because innovation is needed for more than one solution or sometimes not even there.