After two nights and a sunrise from the cutthroat Scheherazade the king was happier than ever, never in life had stood up and felt so calm, he recalled with pride their accomplishments and visualized with the dawn goals the future, the sea breeze brought with it a smell of fresh rejuvenated him, his subjects saw no reason why he was so, his closest acquaintances were large differences in and were intrigued by the cynical attitude I had after killing his wife and then her sister that had been the biggest outrage that the king had done to his own word, and nobody could abide by the decisions of this capricious being.
The people ruled by the king ran a rumor ran as fast as when the wind comes through the window without adjustment. It was said that along with the king's word fell the kingdom, the king was a man as irresponsible and incapable of controlling his own impulses, that soon all fall into a tragedy with him. such thing that strengthened the courage of the people to rebel against the tyrant ruler, and to rouse from younger to older mediocre against the regime.
Several of the informants were hidden inside King the everyday life of people and alarmed by the news ran to tell the king. This at a time is frowned whole of his eyes crossed his arms and exclaimed, jummmmm fools. He left his room and decided to walk away with all the riches of that country, called the wise men of the kingdom and asked for tips to make your plan, the proposals had listened in his head again and again there was nothing innovative about them only a young playful approach achievement catch your attention, this young man had a name that sounded strange, called Kogi. Lord let me tell you something incredible, "said the young, it'll take dare of the seven seas to land ever in your life you can imagine, my ship is huge, has the most loyal crew and merchandise you can find my ship travel will definitely be a very smooth ride and fantasy.
fantasy exclaimed the king, two people died and fanciful my ex wife and her sister tell me you do not join the list along with them, the young man answered, looking quietly at the end of the trip will take you to a where his heart rested from all the pain of love and pressure of the world. The king remembered his first love, the woman who betrayed him and the many wives who kill, also the weight of its own panacea, his kingdom.
The people shake it like a wave, this wanted to kill the king pretended to hide inside the palace but really amazing escape in a boat with their belongings, the young crew Kogi and "fair" went so far that soon lost in the horizon winds pushed them to their favor.
The first days at sea passed like months, King was bored, saw nothing but blue water all around, no more than this? asked the king what the young yogi responds this site is the biggest mirror you can see here inside you really reflected a thousand and one times, there's nothing here I feel a big void without grace I want to get Now .. The young man was silent .
After three months and ten days envisioned a spot in the distance the crew I sing a song suddenly very glad that in his letter thanking the arrival at their destination and the fact of being alive, the king could scarcely look up I was exhausted and abide by the orders of the captain of the ship had lowered morale. King looks we finally behold the place where you will be free. Free if I have always been answered the king, looking sideways.
half an hour later touched down and the King jumping of the boat that approached the boat to the beach, interesting feel like sands of the desert, I like the vegetation. The king had no idea where I was treading was a paradise beach was the beach the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta.
When the fifth boat landed the goods the ship approached the mangroves canoes very sympathetic with people almost bare her skin was dark but not as an African Ambler and their faces were broad and bodies were not as high as those they came to that beach and came to prominence including one that offered them a drink. Travelers realized the good intentions of these people without a name and decided to stay calm.
was nearly four o'clock when those native canoes guided the visitors right through the mangroves to a tribe, it was the rest of the population, including elderly women had children and more men who looked surprise arrival of these alien beings.
When they got stranded and everyone came, the native guides to talk with you remaining strong and all stared wide-eyed, the king looked sideways and saw the jewels with which these they adorned the body was freaking out inside, their greed and off on the journey back to birth and harder.
After a good week these beings espolvearon a substance on the king and this hiso feel weak and lethargic young Kogi was alarmed and asked them what they had done because they had never seen him do that he or one of the crew, they will serious told that the man had bad intentions they had kept the possessions of the tribe in a cave that is entered about the young Kogi could not believe, however, very ashamed of having come to this man to the tribe promised to get rid of it. Kogui
woke the king and angrily asked for the things he had stolen it hiso understand the kind of beings who were they and why they had brought there the king did not understand and say well I'm sorry my words and my virtues were the devil in my kingdom for months betray the woman who promised to get rid of my sentence and sentenced me now, I'm so poor that all I have is jewelry and my belongings. Kogi saw that the king was buried between evil and that if they freed him from the darkness that would fall into the same abyss of no help. At their head came a plan, take it out of the site where it lay headache I had after getting this strange powder, and exposing it in the center of the tribe call this man has stolen and evil brings me know what you do with it!, all said desaste of the take it too far do not want him here. But if you took away their greed and bring it back together will make a bad worse ... kill him! One of them cry others are astonished at this answer, one of the natives had left the king's evil polluting. The wisest man of the tribe said calm down, you know the solution Kogi dénosla estimated Kogi people responded desacéranos the solution is not correct the problem if not, if we kill him fall into a worse crime he committed over the next days I will be watching walk among us as if there nothing happened and every time we see evil in his heart we will come and we will correct severely and can live in peace with ourselves and others. Well alright, "said the wise but never again to let you control for your interest and bring people like this. To which I replied Kogi world is one soon shrink and bring people like this and worse. The world will become a mess and you only stay in place to save it from destruction continue living in peace and not let evil govern him, for my part I am going to amend this error with my men and it will give them a few years to learn to live and educate men and heartless fools, see you later.
Kogi next day boarded his boat and went where he arrived the natives were impressed with the prophecies said and decided to abide by the advice, learn to be tolerant and strengthen its mission of saving the world in chaos looming . From time to remember his work and who warned of the current reality Kogi decided to carry this name and all together are called Kogi older siblings on the planet.